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02/27/09 8:23 AM

#250 RE: sungolfer #249

"...Obama has stated we are in trouble because of past policy's,so they are going to do it their way,come hell or high water..."

"...You think his visit to Canada was for tea.As a ex,Canadian Obama looks like he wants to follow them.Social medicine,high taxes(i was at 55%)no tax deduction on home morgages..."
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02/28/09 10:28 AM

#256 RE: sungolfer #249

I know many look to places like Canada and some European countries as the gold standard for how to do things. The one problem with that is take Canada for example -- you have to prove you are going to be a productive successful addition to the country in order to live there. At least move there. Here, you can be the biggest loser you can be and have everyone else pay for it. Look at 'octo-mom'. The problem here and with the Democratic party in general is that failure is rewarded by giving it money to continue.

The Democratic party's philosophy of taxing wealth to transfer it to the 'little' guy - ie, the poor who are by definition lazy and unproductive, is cowardly. They are cowards. Why? Because the true hard choice in that equation is to not steal money from the productive, it's to tell the deadweight 'no more'. The typical liberal person is a person with 'feelings'. They feel better than everyone else because in their minds they care more. They think that the typical 'rich' Republican is only out for themselves and will screw anyone at any price to get more.

When your kid does something you don't like, do you reward him/her for it? No, you punish in some way that behavior in order to set them on the right path. Why? Because you want them to succeed. Bad behavior leads to loserville. If you sit in front of the TV for hours and never get up to exercise, you get fat and lazy, right? If you workout consistently, you feel and look better, right?

Taxes successful people to make up a budget probelm is a cowardly act because it means you don't have the ability to look someone in the eye and tell them they can't have anymore. In the case of a large group of elected politicians, it means telling their voting block what they voted for won't be done. Then they lose their jobs (seats).

But in the meantime, a large portion of society is quickly becoming dependant on government which is nothing more than your tax money. And now, 'they' think the solution is to take more from those who make it all?

I just don't understand why they think that works when in no other place in history has it been proven to work. Canaday doens't have a large % of poor people. Europe doesn't have a large % of poor people. A quasi socialistic system will work if most everyone is productive and working for the better of the entire system/society in which they live. That's why Canada works. It won't work here because there are too many that are too lazy to become 'productive'.

The setup is clear - The mess in the 1970s created Ronald Reagan. The mess in the 1930s created Eisenhower. I'll even say Kennedy in 1960 only won because of the corruption in Chicago with Daley - however, he was by today's standards more conservative than just about every Republican and a pretty good Pres for what little he did.

Obama and this whackjob of a congress we have now is setting up for the next revolution. Because what 'they' don't get is that many 'middle class' people today want to be rich, not just get by.