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02/25/09 6:44 PM

#18389 RE: ItsAllCyclical #18388

in this market is hard not to take profits 100% of the time when seen on a quick intra-day basis. A few days ago I was sitting on a < 2 month 17% profit on National Bank of Canada in my account and > 20% in my wife's account.. not including yummy divies booked. In a few days it evaporated to a bit red in my account.. and barely green in my wife's.. today I'm ahead > 10% again in my account.. Guess I know what I should have done

The whole gold thing has me torn still.. The recent buying is 'loss of confidence' buying not inflation.. US savings rate is way up.. and rising it seems.. What happens if that sticks for a few quarters and J6P starts to get his balance sheet in order.. forget all the calls for consumer spending... a dead end IMVHO.. I'm glad I'm not seeing it.. US overnight stays in Canada are at lowest levels since data has been kept.. > 30 years.. Be funny if we muddle through.. but don't expect the same credit based standard of living or it all goes to hell again and faster..

Too bad I'm not a real chart guy :O)