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07/17/04 6:36 PM

#16680 RE: V M B #16679

V M B, Exactly!

I've been saying that all along. Who the hell would care about a GLTV after what happened to us? Everyone's focus was on CNN to see what we were doing about the attack, to see what these cowards were planning next, and to make sure we were safe to go out.
Now sure, a network could of still did their thing but no cable/satelite companies were thinking it was going to generate money/subscribers.

That said - 2003 I'm sure Frank started working on startegies. Now in 2004 its the right time to move forward as he has and this thing won't happen overnight!! Be happy about their soft launch in May, convention in May, and hard launch in June. THESE PEOPLE AREN'T ROBOTS!! THEY TOO NEED TO SLEEP.

People want to be able to open their tv's and see Q Television. WRONG!!! That will take time! And by that time, the PPS should be near $1 or more! And you will be in front of your TV instead of at the bank with us.



07/17/04 7:33 PM

#16681 RE: V M B #16679

I was doing the same-CNN< etc.....

but after the first numbing two days, I drove from northern california to colorado to pick up my girlfriend and camp in the middle of nowhere, away from "civilization."
My point was more about the fact that the previous attempt at starting a "Q" channel wasn't done properly and did suffer from 9/11 fallout, but wasn't set to go even if that hadn't happened. The climate in this country is much different now in the media; there is more prevalence of G/L issues in the mainstream news as well as gay characters in various network and cable sitcoms, etc....
The fact remains that the Q NEEDS to have every agreement and scheduling planned and ready for execution, combined with a media blitz announcing the network. It seems to me that the upcoming election will be a great time for a gay themed channel that can help get out the vote and cover the issues and candidates that affect the gay issues like legal marriage.
We are now always going to be dealing with the threat of terrorism, especially after the policies of this administration; and to suggest we wait for launch until after the election because of the threat only lessens the time needed to get a head start on branding the channel in the marketplace before Viacom does.
I am holding my shares in the hopes that they can get their deals in writing and signed, and let the games begin.
Life goes on in spite of terrorism....and eventually people will revert to their entertainment or their escape, whatever that may be... I just hope Frank can get it up and running, because if he doesn't---somebody else is getting ready to do it, no matter what the world events are in February......

may the Q launch with gusto, ....sooner than later!!!!!



07/18/04 3:01 AM

#16689 RE: V M B #16679

I'm still cautious

My T/A usually tells me to test a bottom 3
times and then wait. I've made mistakes by
not waiting before to see a definite direction
after the third test of a bottom. Just me, Val.