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02/18/09 3:20 AM

#63671 RE: solarflux2 #63667

By Thursday, it will be proven that "the-Lowe's-news",,,
will not prevent wnbd from drifting to newer Lows.

Yesterday was the only trading day where it WAS news.
Everybody who might care to 'act' on it , ALREADY DID.

If it is Ever re-"released" in a PR , it will just be viewed
as a fluff attempt to revive old + stale non-news. And,
lead to further mis-trust of wnbd's PR's ; which Never
include any FACTS regarding the Only 3 Things That Ever
Matter for Real Stock Investors :

1] SEC Filings with Independently Audited Financials.
2] UNgagged + Independent TA that releases ~Real-Time data.
3] Full/Independent/Audited Disclosure of Share Structure.

All Day Traders , and Especially Shorters , much prefer the
Total UNavailability of those 3 Most Basic FACT Disclosures.
Which is Exactly Why The U.S. SEC Not Only Requires Them ,
but also Requires Near-Real-Time Disclosure Of ANY EVEN

But, wnbd is even better for shorting day-traders, because
of its monthly bounces, that are directly + obviously
fueled by Totally UNverifiable ~inside info that keeps
'leaking' out , to pre-selected 'fans' , who 'distribute'
it as 'news' at volatile times ; and repeat it during the
weeks between the ~monthly wnbd pumps.

We All Know that wnbd Must 'Borrow' Cash to increase sales.
Especially since wnbd's "6 Phase Plan" even Admits that wnbd
Will Keep Losing Money until the Middle Of wnbd's "Phase 4" ,
At The Very Earliest. And, wnbd is STILL IN "PHASE #1" ,
they have been 'too busy' to type in a 4 word 'update' ,
like "We achieved Phase #2" .

extra , Sincerely .

P.S. : But, it's nice that everybody is still happy with the
'news' of wnbd's achievements , and the performance of wnbd's
common shares. By our estimates , wnbd has already collected
~$10-20 Million in contributions from wnbd common 'share'
holders ; who cannot determine what 'share' [if any] of any
retail soap sale , has/can/will ever lead to any profit for
Any wnbd Common 'share'holder. Thanks to the Totally
UNdefined "wnbd Group" Share-Structure , and the 'Preferreds'
who [IOO] probably/must own 80+% of All wnbd common votes .
[That's why (IOO) the wnbd 'Authorized' is 5 Billion ,
for years , while the 'float' is ~1 Billion , so far.]

So, the wnbd Insider 'Preferreds' could , Totally Legally ,
just 'vote' themselves UP to 99+% , anytime it's worth it ,
without ever even telling any common 'share'holder ; who ,
of course , would/could Not ever even 'vote'.]

We've seen it before , and very recently. Even with a
(supposedly) 'Fully SEC Reporting' + U.S.-Based NON-Pinky.
THAT EVEN BUYS SOAP FROM wnbd, with overlapping 'best fans'.

Bottom-Line :

90+% of pinks lose 90+% per year , for common 'share'holders.
And, shorters collect ~20% of those contributions , directly,
and quickly + risklessly from the averaging-down longs.
Mostly during ~quarterly pump&dumps. Monthly is 3x better.