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02/18/09 9:22 AM

#23550 RE: asuhowe #23548

"If you can't see how offensive it is when someone advertises a religious web site on a stock board"

I looked at John's message to Varney AND Varney's reply. It wasn't hard and I thought it clever of John to get another hit on his board. But I don't watch commercials on TV, I think about something else (when people are trying to program me) like RD, or SA or sailing in the Bahamas... You need to find something more significant to be offended by, maybe a story of a peaceful Muslim being divorced by his wife.

By the way I did go back to John's board and email him about a totally unrelated question. John has provided significant information over the years from Dr. Stoll and now Dr. Varney and I appreciate him taking the time to post his questions and responses.
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02/18/09 10:13 AM

#23552 RE: asuhowe #23548

What I can see is that you are looking for a reason to be offended. While you may not like that he posted the link here, what galls you is that he is allowed to believe in his 'hateful' and 'discriminatory' religion... I can see that you think he should be somehow sanctioned for not sharing your own enlightened belief system...

So what is it? Does his beliefs not support your sexual proclivities? Why the vitriol? If you don't believe in hell and damnation, of what consequence is it to you if he does? If he believed in the tooth fairy, would you publicly act like a jackass about that too?

He didn't paste messages about you personally going to hell.... he made a ham-fisted attempt to drive traffic to his site. His actions were presumptuous, but yours were rude and anti-social. So you go ahead and be offended. Maybe when you grow up you'll be able to respect the differences you have with others rather than demanding that they come to you for approval of what they think and believe.