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05/14/02 10:05 PM

#713 RE: SRT8 #710


I respectfully disagree with you on this matter. How can BioShield know about every public meeting being held by governmental entities. We have a federal government with many agencies that can conduct hearings into areas that BioShield's products can help, then we have 50 states and county governments and then how many really big cites with committees and agencies dealing with these issues.

Exactly what happened today is one of the great values of public forums like Investor's Hub. We share information, knowledge, tips and leads. And you know what, if Dr. Villahoz is successful and is able to present BioShield's technology and something comes of it - well it will be because of one sharp eyed investor named farrockaway. The Internet as a means of communication is "pretty cool" if you ask me.

Wasn't it JFK that said, ask not what BioShield can do for you, but what can you do for BioShield. Farrockaway answered the call. Remember BioShield is a company of 11 people and 4000 investors. Now who has better resources? LOL

As always BB/BB thanks for the input and have a nice evening, well what is left of it. LOL

Take care,


The best weapon against "fear" is "facts"!


05/14/02 11:05 PM

#715 RE: SRT8 #710


I am going to go one further in my explanation that I began in my previous post.

BioShield is not a big company. As we know they only have 11 employees, and I know your satellite scan of their parking lot only shows 3 or 4 cars during normal business hours. Please keep in mind they car pool in order to help the environment. LOL

All kidding aside, I like the fact that BioShield is not a big company; otherwise, I couldn't talk to the CEO or Dr. Villahoz. They are ordinary people like you or I and I believe appreciate certain things, like the information we past on today. This leads me to my example of big vs. little.

Raging Bull is big, they have millions of users. Investor’s Hub is small in comparison; they have slightly over 11000 registered users. When what my wife would call "mental midget morons" post over on Raging Bull with their cut and paste misinformation tactics, Raging Bull is powerless to do anything about it, unless they step over some lines and then it takes days for action. Meanwhile the offenders return under another moniker and continue their childish ways. Or essentially just have 5ocean talk to roughocean who in turn agrees with coralreef. LOL Investor's Hub instills the power in the people to police themselves. And I like to think we (NoMo and myself) do a decent job of it.

However, I want to take this big vs. little one step further. NoMo had an idea on how to make Investor's Hub just a tab bit better. He mentioned it to the CEO, Bob Zumbrunnen, and with in a day Bob programmed the change into the site and we now can all benefit from NoMo's foresight and Bob’s ability as CEO of Investor's Hub to "make it happen".

As always here are the links to support what I just said.

So what I'm leading to BB/BB is that BioShield for me is just like Investor's Hub in a certain manner of speaking. And maybe what farrockaway found today will pan out just like NoMo's suggestions did for all of us at IHub. And if it does, we all benefit.

Good night,


The best weapon against "fear" is "facts"!