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02/15/09 10:45 AM

#149163 RE: fourkids_9pets #149162

fourkids totally agree....

As we who have small business' know, timing is everything. Another point is positive for AERO in getting this loan is that the recent stimulus package inserted into the system will help with some of the lending woes for small businesses in the US. Although AERO may not see a dime of this money, the mere fact of putting more money into the system gives AERO a better chance to obtain any available money made available through the Investment Banker through solicitation of the private sector.

It it quite clear by looking back what has transpired since AERO came onto the public market. The challenges that were presented to AERO such as to clean up spending, clean up corporate structure, up-list to the OTCBB were clearly put in place by and for the purpose of lending. It is also clear to me that not only the Consulting firm was in place as mentioned in the PR, but it haves been found through due diligence the Investment Broker was in place too.

Yep this deal now rides on the completion of looking over the books at Jones (past years auditing). Seeing this Mom & Pops (Jones Exhaust)many years of success, the prediction of the outcome in this deal is almost a no brainier. Now it is time for the bean counters to do there part of going through previous years records. It should not take all that long to cross the T's and dot the I's........