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02/14/09 1:57 PM

#149127 RE: Agent1107 #149125

IMO the 8k is going to be another disapointment. Most likely it will be late too. I stoped even following the dates but someone said it's coming out on Tuesday. We'll see.
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02/14/09 2:08 PM

#149133 RE: Agent1107 #149125

for one thing agent
who isn't downsizing
in this economy ~ that
said ~ having verified
this *fact* directly
myself the morning that
the acq was pr'd <1/6/09>

it's a seasonal issue

i was told quite clearly
they normally have 100
employees .. on that date
and with total honesty
<the first *gal* i spoke
with at jones had no knowledge
of the acq and i had yet to
acquaint her of that *fact*>
told me ~ very clearly
about their currently being
70 employees on hand due to
*seasonality* ~

it's completely *understandable*
on a few fronts

all jmo
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02/14/09 2:36 PM

#149138 RE: Agent1107 #149125

I will agree to the 6-7 million dollar range.
I now think you got something right....
PPS will settle in the 1-2 bracket when all is said and done.
I believe that will hold.

(Just due to the Share holders selling off)

The thought you should concider this "IF" this deal goes thru.
Next acquisition will bring a MUCH HIGHER pps to AERP,
Called Round two and the 2nd and MOST IMPORTANT part of thier "ROLLUP"
To become a Conglomeration of Performance Exhaust and to be be sitting with the likes of ALLIED etc will drive us forward towards our goals.
Which is listing.
Maybe that is why I am Long... Even in todays economy.

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02/14/09 3:13 PM

#149140 RE: Agent1107 #149125

nearly every company in the US is DOWNSIZING,its how you survive in a recession/depression. they are doing the right thing to stay competitive.
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02/14/09 3:44 PM

#149142 RE: Agent1107 #149125

Agent1107 FACT IS, downsizing.......

is happening with every company in the US today. To properly look at this in to proper perspective and attributed to the way roll-ups function, AERO Performance is actually UP SIZING at a huge rate of increase by incorporating well established fully profitable companies that have already leaned up long before the mergers are even announced, not that is smart. Reductions and internal clean up done beforehand, that alone tells me that the price being paid for Jones does not include a lot of dead wood and overhead.

Looks like the 9 months of due diligence and internal audits to determine the actual worth of Jones Exhaust is paying off for both Landreth and Hunsacker.

Why you say? Because if a reduction was indeed done, it would have had to have been done long before any merger pricing settlement was finalized and not after. A support to that FACT is that such a layoff occurring September or thereafter does not correspond to the terms of the Tennessee employee education grant, given to Jones for $46,995 in October. That grant money was given on October 6, 2008, which included in the terms assurances to avoid any future layoff. Acceptance of that grant will bring value to both companies once the merger is final, by virtue of the grants purpose, which goes 100% towards employee education. The key point to include here is Jones employees are not only working smarter, but harder, which is a win win....

Thanks again for help in pointing out those important FACTS!