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02/07/09 6:46 PM

#19154 RE: jfcwoodrose #19153

Im all for that. Look, the reality is that anyone serious about this company who has been involved from the beginning 3+ years could probably care less what happens in the next week, month or even year. There are really only two things that can happen with this company if you truly understand the technology. 1) it fails(the drug does not work, they find out it is toxic or Dr. S just decides to give up) all unlikely from my understanding; or 2) it is the next penicillin and the share price is in the $200-$400+ per share. I feel very good about number two, however it will take another 2+ years to get there because until it is fully through FDA and can be taken to market, we will not see real revenue numbers. So if you are looking to make a quick buck when the stock goes to $2-$5 per share in the next 6-8 months, I guess I understand why one would want information released quickly. If you want to be the one who waits for the three digit share price, just sit back and relax, the money will come. It will probably come just in time after the new Prez has put this country so deep into debt and raises personal taxes so high none of us will be able to support ourselves off of our day jobs. However, having $30M-$40M in NNVC will make life at that point a lot easier and the fractional share of the Net Jet very easy to justify. We could even race Nancy Pelosi back home to CA on her private jet while she spends all of the Cap Gains that we make from our stock sales of NNVC on the gas for the plane (Sorry to all of our CA friends on the Board, I know you are out there). When this thing hits $200 PS, I will buy everyone on this board a bottle of Dom (that is those who stick with the stock and dont bail at $5.00 PS).
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02/07/09 9:23 PM

#19156 RE: jfcwoodrose #19153

It's not that people here don't want to read negatives; it's that people will see a need to explain the reason for a negative; or, will respond to a negative with a defensive post.

Likewise, what we often get are those opportunists who post during price weakness in a transparent attempt to further influence decline through F.U.D. posts. It's often very difficult to sort those who are venting frustration or publicly hand wringing from those whose intents are less innocent.

So, please don't pull back into your shell if your intentions are honorable. And, please chime in when when things are going well in addition to when things stall, slow or decline.
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02/08/09 1:30 PM

#19162 RE: jfcwoodrose #19153

Footrose, Don't go this board need some balance.

I believe Doc.FG has been good decyphering who is genuine in their frustration and who does it for personal gain.

Those of us who have been here for 3 years recall how some holders of NNVC back in spring of 06 were also saying "$200 within 2 years". However in fairness to those guys back then that's what it looked like when the SP zoomed up from pennies to $3.75. We were also looking to be on NASDAQ and then a quick hop to $10.00. Then "fast tracked" followed by a IND.
If you were there like myself and a few others here that looked like it just might happen. Of course we also were having 300K - 800K volume traded days also. On top of that the economic conditions were 180% opposite of what they are today.

Compare that with today. We were just at .80 cents a week ago. Now we are at .70 cents. However that can all change very quickly. With the a significant news release like a Pharma deal we can be at $2.00 in a day. (Guy's am I being too conservative here?).

NNVC needs to do a deal sooner rather than later. Otherwise there may not be other offers coming in the future due to the extremely troubled times that seem to be deepening by the day. -JMO-


P.S. I'm hanging in.....I think we will finally get good news soon.