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07/08/04 4:19 PM

#15330 RE: ron2w #15329

HEY RON ....I was just thinking where has Ron been?>


07/08/04 4:51 PM

#15331 RE: ron2w #15329

It is. ther is alot going on behind the scenes still.
and yes frank has a big mouth that does more damage than good.
oh well better the devil you know than the one you dont.
when they get permission to spill the beans on the contracts they have with (speculating here) cox comcast direct tv adephia and dish, we can all breath easer.
its either tomorrow morning or monday or they could let us hang our colective asses to the wind till the end next week.
either way brace yourselves the water be rough matey!
just hold in your guts and no chumming over the side!
we got to ride this out.
im still hanging in there this ship be piching and listing but we aint sunk! weather will be breaking soon I can feel it!


07/08/04 6:17 PM

#15339 RE: ron2w #15329

Ron...what is significant is that only 1 investor out of 1,000's claims to have gotten got a response.

IMO, I think Warlock's post is about as real as all the other "I just spoke to Frank" etc. posts on these boards.


07/08/04 11:18 PM

#15372 RE: ron2w #15329


I should not have opened my big mouth

I thought that was interesting