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01/27/09 12:02 PM

#80691 RE: dgplexus #80690

Funny I bought 500,000 at .0008 today than took off. Hope you're holding on... I know you are in good from today...


01/27/09 12:11 PM

#80695 RE: dgplexus #80690

Do you think that "Sarah and the lab worker" would be paying the back rent?

If the landlord hadn't seen his tenant in months, and by tenant I mean someone with a checkbook, he would most certainly be looking fore someone connected to management, as in, the biggest shareholder in the company.

When the caller, in a very unconvincing tone, claimed to "represent an investment group," _and_ in the same breath, claimed to be DNAG's "landlord," any presumed/possible credibility he may have had..

Why wouldn't an investment group own an industrial park? Why couldn't that same investment group consider themselves the landlord to the commercial tenants?

Sounds like any insistence on his part that the company had essentially ceased operations, regardless of the token presence of a lab assistance in a nonfunctional lab, might be construed by an investor as 'scary'.

His persisting in trying to scare me...

Credibility is apparently in the eye of the beholder.

..just drove more nails into the coffin of his nonexistent credibility.
