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01/27/09 8:48 AM

#147533 RE: fourkids_9pets #147532

We were also told in the PRs and right here on this board how critical, and how great, the NASCAR licensing was. It was touted here over and over. It was in every PR up until recently.
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01/27/09 8:56 AM

#147535 RE: fourkids_9pets #147532

once matters not.....and I doubt anyone is looking as it is not relevant to sales,revenues or shareholder value then or now........

time to focus on things that really matter to shareholders and a time frame of listing on the otc is not one of them, nor is the trading activity of certain MM's which is no different then any other stock and nor is the unverifiable short position which has been brought up over and over again.

Time to focus on what affects shareholder value...

Nascar Parternship OVER!!!!!!!................CHECK.

Sales......the company has never reported one significant Sale to any dealer or Distributor..........Check

Revenues........Pathetic after 9 Years in business........Check

Gagged Transfer Agent..................CHECK

Nascar Suing Aero....................CHECK

Other Lawsuits in the Work for unpaid Debt............CHECK

Javelin Associates/Employess still working for Aero......CHECK

CEO Arrested on Weapons Chargs Recently.............CHECK

Dilution has been RAMPANT.........................CHECK

Stock has Tanked from .03 to the .0007 range..........CHECK

These are the items that affect shareholder value......anything else is just fluff-n-stuff.......
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01/27/09 10:20 AM

#147544 RE: fourkids_9pets #147532

You think "anyone" wants to dig that deep
to list stocks that have taken approx 3 months
to uplist from Pinks to OTCBB? Companies just
don't bother mentioning the timeframe it took
them. Why? I don't know, don't care.
Of the thousands of companies on the OTCBB, can
you list any "small" or "startup" company that
has uplisted from the OTCBB to a Big Board?
If not, that would indicate Aero's chances, eh?

Any names?
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01/27/09 10:54 AM

#147552 RE: fourkids_9pets #147532

Why is this such a big deal to you?

"no one has been able to find
one other fully compliant pink
<like aero/aerp> that did what
aero did ~ that was uplist to
the otc bb in under 3 months"

Exactly how does this benefit AERP? Does is increase their revenue or profit? Does it add more customers? I guess it benefits them because it allows you & others to mention it & help them sell more shares to investors. It does absolutely nothing to their business. Unless selling shares is considered part of their business.

There are a lot of things this blog was originally told.

"this blog was originally told
<after we moved on from *scam>
that aero would never uplist to the otc bb
then it changed to .. if aero did uplist
to the otc bb ~ it would take *a while* <as
in 9 months to a year> ~ then *miraculously*
after aero did hit the uplist *page* on 8/25
~ this blog was told ~ ah .. no big deal "

Before the FCNN RM into AERP we were told how much revenue & profit Aero would be showing. We were told the share price would skyrocket.

Then we were told that AERP would be buying Dr. Gas & what a great deal that would be for AERP shareholders.

Then we were told that AERP would be projecting "break even" by the 2nd qrt of 2008.

Then we were told that Aero would be building an in house manufacturing for their exhaust systems.

How's that all working out?

"i'll say the same for the reports ~ find me one
other sub *penny* stock <company> that manages
to have said reports written on them ~ in said *time frame*"

Again, how is that helping them increase their sales or profit? As far as I can tell, it only helps them attract potential investors to purchase shares of their stock.

Have you or anyone purchased one of these reports? Aren't you curious to see what they are saying regarding AERP?
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P2O I'm from MO

01/27/09 3:00 PM

#147585 RE: fourkids_9pets #147532

no one has been able to find
one other fully compliant pink
<like aero/aerp> that did what
aero did ~ that was uplist to
the otc bb in under 3 months

'Cause everyone just has so-o-o much time on their hands to search the thousands
of companies that have uplisted and look at each one's PR's to see what they did.


In my not so humble opinion, the uplisting was uneventful.
The stock's performance has indicated as such. Next topic.
