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01/24/09 4:24 PM

#147378 RE: LoanStew #147376


what would you have me do as an investor
re: aero's current ir?

i can certainly send on an email to aero's
management ~ but if the info is incorrect
i've *maligned* someone due to stock msg
board *chatter* ~ i'll pass on that thank you

what others choose to do is up to them ~

second part ~

if it is he ~ i have no
knowledge one way or the other ~

should he have disclosed that to aero?

did he? only the parties involved know that answer

did shane traveller disclose to aero
that the sec had been investigating
him for 4 years .. before he became
their interim cfo?

ditto re: above

now as for the misdemeanor charge
it may surprise *some* that of aero's
original *private* sor ~ approx 10 are
in *law enforcement* and i'm not talking
rent a cops ~ i've asked one who is a dea
agent for his take ~ was told they would
check it out and get back to me ~ i have
yet to hear that input ~ suspect i will
over the coming weeks ~ but again it's
all *relative* ~ i did ask if it was
company *related* <from aero's current
ir> and was told no ~ it isn't company
related ~ so there you have it ~ fwiw

just as an aside
i've been told by many longs who live in
the west ~ the right to bear arms is sop

i'm a yank living in the north east ~

but to me .. as humans .. everyone is
entitled to make a mistake ~ pay the price
and be allowed to move on ~


i'm really not sure why you keep *missing*
my take on aero's current ir ~ i have maintained
all along ~ that gemini will be replaced ~

however .. with the acq of jones exhaust ~
just around the corner ~ i can see the frugality
of maintaining gemini ~ until that deal is completed

and then as i've *previously* posted ~ having a new
<perhaps local> ir firm .. one who both understands
the intricacies of the market <regs et al> and of
course a working knowledge of both companies product
lines and distribution channels

guess that is why i don't sweat ~ what i consider
to be ~ the small stuff ~

to each his/her own opinion and tolerance
to say nothing of risk/reward

all jmo