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01/18/09 10:56 AM

#35462 RE: slazenger7 #35461

Baron's Ambush Tape Backfires!

The alleged secret taping of a Baron's employee discussing company business has actually backfired. On the tape, it is confirmed that Baron's has NATIONAL contracts with at the minimum, Pepsi, Mcdonalds, and Applebees. We already know TAKK Systems has contracted with Barons exclusively for beverage system installations.
It is also confirmed that Barons is hiring more employees, which is a statement itself of the booming business Barons is experiencing even in this recession.

Also confirmed is that Barons has a network of subcontractors working for them to enable them to take on large Nationwide contracts from major nationally known companies. It is confirmed that Barons currently has contracts with Restaurants, Clubs, and Bars, and much of the work is done at night. Thus the ambush again backfires! Of course Barons would have only 5 technicians present in the shop in the AM. According to the secretary,"most of their work is completed at Night!"

Maybe even more important than all of the above, is the confirmation that Barons was actually offered the Citi Field contract, but decided to decline it. We now know that Barons is so well respected, and has such a solid business reputation, that it was the first Choice for the Citi Field Contract, over H-MAK and all other bidders. Barons was offered the contract, and though they may have initially accepted it, decided that the stipulations and regulations given to them by Citi Field, which "read like a 300 page book" created so many problems, that Barons decided that "it just wasn't worth it", and eventually declined the offer.

Bottom line is we have in Barons, a solid, growing business, with Nation Wide contracts that include Major companies like Pepsi. A business that is expanding, hiring employees when most are laying them off. Barons is in such a solid financial position, that it can pick and choose what contracts they will take or decline. Barons will not take on a contract that it deems is not tenable, or is not in the best interests of the company to accept, no matter how attractive the contract may have initially appeared. We now know that when the financials for 2008 are released by Barons, they will mirror the bright and positive future the secretary presented in the backfired ambush tape.



01/18/09 11:05 AM

#35463 RE: slazenger7 #35461

There actually has been a major announcement that hasn't been released in a PR which I will explain in my next post.

So the company has left all their shareholders twisting in the wind since the buyout "fell through". They've had six weeks to PR something, but instead have chosen to wait until investor confidence has shatterred to release the next blockbuster THROUGH YOU on a message board????

The company cares so much about it's shareholders that it leaks inside information to a message board poster to hype with no consequence for the company when that rumor proves false? Confidence restored!!!!

Slaz: for the record, do you still vouch for the cash dividend to be paid? What will be your position if the cash divy is rescinded and all you get is another stock divy?