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01/17/09 11:40 AM

#70419 RE: biz #70413

The question is

what isn't built on greed.... or wanting more. It was more the Dems like Barney Frank, Clinton and the rest that were requiring the banks to finance no doc. loans etc. that created the mess.. Dodd still hasn't produced his sweet deal with CHL like he said he would.... 1,000,000 loans with illegal aliens... no money down, no documentation... who is the base for the Dems...guess.... what areas had the biggest problem with the housing bubble... guess.... If you want to go after anyone, go after the government and the fed and mostly the Dems who created this mess.... And the Republicans that reported the problems but did nothing about it..... Acorn was one of the biggest problem....hmm who did they support.... Corruption in the government is where it all is. Corrupt leadership turning their heads and no accountablility to anyone with the banks, this isn't wall street but the Government.... BTW, most on this board didn't ride the market down... After losing money in 2001, I decided to take responsibility for my 401K and investments. There are no guarantees in life.... Trials make you a better man or woman and shape character. The problem with our society right now is that it is mindless.