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Frank Pembleton

01/16/09 5:08 PM

#18179 RE: ItsAllCyclical #18178

none, zero, nada--I don't own any gold.

...amazing, eh...?

My biggest reason is that they track who owns gold here in Canada, to buy it you need to fill out the paper work and they take you SIN too...and then there's always the threat that the government will make it illegal to own. Therefor, I'd have visions of swat teams crashing into my house to confiscate my handful of coins only to discover that I have a 6 foot tall skunk plant resting in the darkness of the night--and then finding myself locked up in a work camp for the rest of my life.

I'll trade paper, thank you.

Btw, I agree totally with your post--yup, they are somewhat tied together, and fwiw I'm not too hopeful for Monday--just too many of those black candlesticks going into the close. And yes, stay the hell away from small/mid cap stocks--there nothing more depressing than holding a dead small cap while the general markets roar forward. IMHO, small cap stocks are a barometer of the real economy, if mom and pop aren't making a go of it, then it's a bear market...and in bear markets we can only be short or neutral.

The point you made about short covering, it may feel like it, especially this morning but I'm thinking that (lately) the volumes are slightly lower than usual on the + days, but it's slowly building which tells me that there is small amount of bullishness going into the inauguration--but it's tentative, which is understandable, since the big boys sell relentlessly.

anyway... who knows--I may become neutral for the next "100-days," which is the feeling I'm getting from you.

Take care, see next week.