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01/16/09 6:49 AM

#46067 RE: Drugdoctor #46066



01/16/09 8:04 AM

#46068 RE: Drugdoctor #46066

GM cargo, rub and all. hope everyone has a good day.. Z


01/16/09 10:50 AM

#46070 RE: Drugdoctor #46066

Just a difference of opinions ,,,

Based on the assumed facts in copi's own SEC Filings ;

And , the UNarguable fact that copi is down 90+%
from its 2008 pump&dump peak.

Last year , copi was pumped up to a peak of $0.1100 ;
and yesterday , copi closed at $0.0067 .

That's a mathematically UNarguable decrease of 93.9% ,
in less than 1 year.

And, it's not at all surprising , assuming that copi's
SEC Filings are ~accurate. Even copi execs Never predicted
that they would Ever earn a profit. And, they even quit
predicting that they would Ever even be 'cash-flow-neutral' .

So, to Real Investors , long + short , that means it's just
a matter of time before copi must file BK. And , the only
ways to delay BK, are by constantly 'borrowing' cash , to
cover losses , or to decrease expenses.

We don't buy copi's 'business plan' , while copi fans just
keep buying. And, the expected World-Wide economy for the
next few years will not be helpful to low-tech service
companies. Even the 'bail-outs' are not helping any common
shareholders, because the govt is just 'loaning' cash , for
'Preferred' Shares , which massively dilute the commons ;
and the Preferreds Must be 100% Paid-Back [with interest] ,
Before Any common shareholder gets 1 penny.

Anyway, we just disagree on our interpretations of the Facts
that are known about copi. The copi fans hope that something
might make copi profitable in time for common shareholders ,
and we just stick to the current + previous documentation.

extra , Sincerely .
And , GLTA .

P.S. ; Regarding our expectation of copi Tax-Loss Selling.
We already admitted that we were wrong, because we forgot
to consider 1 Fact about the probably-typical copi holder,
and even many Real Stock holders last year. Here it is.
They did not need any additional Tax-Losses last year ,
because they already had enough Real Investment Losses.
Anyway, since the copi fans apparently did not sell in
December , for paper tax-losses that they could not use ;
they Also won't be 'buying-back' any copi's this year , with
the cash that they did not get from Not selling last year.

Finally ; We thank copi for their SEC Filings, because they
are helpful to All Real Investors , long or short. The Facts
that those Filings disclose are useful for minimizing the
risks to All Investors , who read + understand + use them.
Based on those copi Filings, and the World economy , we 90+%
expect that copi will be down another 90+% from here ,
before next year. Which provides an excellent low-risk
quick profit opportunity for the few copi players , that
don't expect the Facts about copi + the World to hopefully
reverse within the next year. Well, so much for the hoping .
Now , back to the knitting. And, waiting for a 10-K, or not.