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01/23/09 7:26 PM

#34319 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT= NAMOsmallchg atEOD forecasts_MajorMoves byMostGeneralIndices withinNext_2_tradingDays_>>

This will happen unless there is another MCO smallchg Monday. No Direction is given by this Signal.

click on replied to msg
to see McClellan Charts.
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02/02/09 5:57 PM

#34599 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT NYMO smallchg EOD 02/02 Forecasts_MajorMoves wi/2TradingDays_in_MostGeneralIndices, unless there is another McClellanOscillator tomorrow. NoDirection is given by this Signal.

see Replied to Msg to see McClellan Charts.
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02/12/09 8:07 PM

#34824 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT MajorMoves expected in most General_Indices_within_Next_2_Trading_Days>>>

Unless there ia another McClellan SmallChange Tomorrow (Friday).

Today (Thursday) there were McClellan smallchgs in Both
Nasdaq and NYSE. See charts

note there is no direction given with these signals.

It is my guessimate, that altho tomorrow is a Friday, a Friday the 13th. And, it is a Friday before Options Week, the Friday that usually sets up Trading for Options Week. And, the rally today was a short covering rally on weird challenge to Geithner's announcement of nothing of detail. I will risk no money on this but expect a Rally.

Because of travelling a do not feel comfortable posting lots right now.
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02/27/09 9:39 PM

#35234 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT= NAMOsmallchg atEOD forecasts_MajorMoves byMostGeneralIndices withinNext_2_tradingDays_>>

This will happen unless there is another MCO smallchg Monday.
No Direction is given by this Signal.

this is third alert day in a row.

click on replied to msg
to see McClellan Charts.
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05/23/09 6:01 AM

#38321 RE: chichi2 #34141

An ALERT, 05/22 Both McClellan Oscillators had_SmallChanges_at_Close, thus_Expect_MostAll_General Indices to have MajorMoves within Next 2 Trading Days (Tuesday or Wednesday).

Only exception to this is if we had another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Tomorrow. No direction is given by these signals.

See Charts

Why mention this? It usually leads to an Exciting Trading Day!!
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07/02/09 5:44 PM

#39347 RE: chichi2 #34141

See McClellan Oscillators Charts (Interesting_Lines_i_drew_Wednesday)

click replied to msg

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08/12/09 4:26 PM

#40085 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts Now>>

(1) See Oscillator Charts
(Interesting_Line_i_drew_awhile_back, and extended_Today
I expect a Turn Up on these charts today, before the line)

(2) See Summation Charts
(Each shows Variations on the Theme of Turns)

click replied to msg

if you see this early come back later too, after 6pm about,
as it will then be updated with today's positive Advance/Decline data
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08/14/09 10:33 AM

#40119 RE: chichi2 #34141

Alert: NYSE McClellan Oscillator made SmallChg on-close_Yesterday_THursday.>> This_Portends_Most_GeneralIndices_will_make_MajorMoves within nextTwo Days (Friday or Monday, unless another McClellan small change signal is given on close today). No Direction is given by this Signal. see charts.

click on replied to msg
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08/22/09 11:43 PM

#40244 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts Now>>

(1) See Oscillator Charts

(2) See Summation Charts

click replied to msg
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08/25/09 4:52 PM

#40278 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts Now>>

(1) See Oscillator Charts

(2) See Summation Charts

click replied to msg
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08/26/09 6:12 PM

#40309 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT= NAMOsmallchg atEOD forecasts_MajorMoves byMostGeneralIndices withinNext_2_tradingDays_>>

Thursday or Friday.

This will happen unless there is another MCO smallchg tomorrow(Thursday). No Direction is given by this Signal.

Note Both McClellan Oscillators (NAMO and NYMO) had smallchg Alerts at EOD Tueday. So this is second day in a row for McClellan Oscillator Alerts. (i am expecting a big move on Friday's Economic Numbers)

click on replied to msg
to see McClellan Charts.
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08/27/09 5:32 PM

#40324 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT= NYMOsmallchg atEOD forecasts_MajorMoves byMostGeneralIndices withinNext_2_tradingDays_>>

Friday or Monday.

This will happen unless there is another MCO smallchg tomorrow(Friday). No Direction is given by this Signal.

Note Both McClellan Oscillators (NAMO and NYMO) had smallchg Alerts at EOD Tueday. NAMO had smallchg Alert yesterday (Wednesday). So this is Third day in a row for McClellan Oscillator Alerts.

(as i said yesterday (WednesdayNight), i am expecting a big move on Friday's Economic Numbers)

click on replied to msg
to see McClellan Charts.
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08/28/09 5:18 PM

#40346 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click replied to msg

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10/02/09 10:26 PM

#41000 RE: chichi2 #34141

Alert Both_NAMO_and_NYMO Oscillators are_presently in_Turn_Areas, they_must_soon_go_up>>>

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

Alert Both NAMO and NYMO Oscillators are presently in Turn Areas, they must soon go up,

So Advances must be greater than Declines SOON.

what does SOON mean?

"Within the next day or two or three at most."

click replied to msg
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10/11/09 11:36 AM

#41118 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT= NYMOsmallchg atEOD forecasts_MajorMoves byMostGeneralIndices withinNext_2_tradingDays_>>

Monday or Tuesday.

This will happen unless there is another MCO smallchg tomorrow(Monday). No Direction is given by this Signal.

However, i make a few observations that makes me suspiciou that these MajorMoves will be Up.

Note Both McClellan Oscillators (NAMO and NYMO) are having Bullish MACD, SLOW STO, and CCI.

Also, note, Both McClellan Summation charts are slowly forming Potential Turn UP curves. If completed as they are going this would be very Bullish.


it should also be noted that the markets are in a TIME OF DECISION as we have now had two SmallChg Alerts within this past week. we have not had any of these alerts for quite awhile. Seems this new Earnings season is bringing with it some needed THOUGHT, and DELIBERATION. i suggest we watch the McClellan Charts closely for this next period.

click on replied to msg
to see McClellan Charts.
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10/11/09 11:38 AM

#41119 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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10/13/09 11:26 AM

#41160 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT NYMO McClellan Oscillator had_SmallChange_at_Close lastnight>> thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days.

Only exception to this is if we had another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Today. No direction is given by these signals.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Note: my guess was near as i thought both NAMO and NYMO might give signals, but the same MajorMove action can come from either McClellan or Both McClellan Oscillators. There is, more coiling today so we may see another tonight, or the markets could breakout this afternoon. Also, note, we are now working on two trading days in a row of smallchgs, most i have seen are three days in a row. I have had personal activities that have taken me away from boards so this info is much delayed, sorry.
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10/28/09 9:56 AM

#41356 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

It appears that we are at a turning point areas, use caution at least on short term.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

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Myself °¿°

11/04/09 11:47 PM

#41496 RE: chichi2 #34141

NAMO small_change
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12/02/09 10:05 AM

#41848 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg

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12/16/09 5:12 AM

#42069 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg

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12/16/09 6:09 PM

#42092 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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12/24/09 10:54 AM

#42152 RE: chichi2 #34141

Again, we are at overextended areas on the McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts.


Click on "In reply to", to view the McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts.
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12/28/09 6:56 PM

#42190 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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12/30/09 5:57 AM

#42203 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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12/30/09 6:02 PM

#42210 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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12/31/09 7:40 PM

#42220 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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01/06/10 6:56 PM

#42315 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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01/06/10 6:58 PM

#42316 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT NYMO McClellan Oscillator had_SmallChange_at_Close_Today_>> thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days.

Only exception to this is if we had another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close tomorrow. No direction is given by these signals.

no direction is given by this Alert, we only know to expect majorMoves in Most General Indices within the next two trading days. you must discern which direction this might occur.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

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01/07/10 7:10 PM

#42329 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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01/08/10 5:38 PM

#42359 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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01/12/10 7:58 AM

#42405 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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01/20/10 6:17 PM

#42533 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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01/25/10 5:59 AM

#42600 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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02/23/10 12:32 PM

#42906 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

McClellan Charts are based on Advances and Declines. We track their Oscillators (a combining of the Advances and Declines) and their Cumulatives which are called Summations.
These moves give us intelligence on the Moves of General Indices.

See Chichi2 Charts, Live Below.

Below are Decision Point --
McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts


Below are Chichi2 annotated --
McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

TY Chichi2


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02/28/10 6:11 PM

#42967 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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02/28/10 6:14 PM

#42968 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT NYMO McClellan Oscillator had_SmallChange_at_Close_Friday_>> thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days.

Only exception to this is if we had another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Monday. No direction is given by these signals.

no direction is given by this Alert, we only know to expect majorMoves in Most General Indices within the next two trading days. you must discern which direction this might occur.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

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03/02/10 7:34 PM

#42992 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan 2 year Oscillator Charts

Room enough to Move In

NAMO 2 years

NYMO 2 years
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03/03/10 7:23 PM

#43003 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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03/03/10 7:27 PM

#43004 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT NAMO McClellan Oscillator had_SmallChange_at_Close_Wednesday_>> thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days.

Only exception to this is if we had another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Thursday. No direction is given by these signals.

No direction is given by this Alert, we only know to expect majorMoves in Most General Indices within the next two trading days. you must discern which direction this might occur.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Also See McClellan 2 Year Oscillator charts

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03/09/10 5:25 PM

#43073 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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03/09/10 5:26 PM

#43074 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT NAMO McClellan Oscillator had_SmallChange_at_Close_Today_(Tuesday_>> thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days (Wednesday or Thursday). Only exception to this is if we had another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Tomorrow (Wednesday).

No direction is given by these signals. You must discern which direction this might occur.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Also See McClellan 2 Year Oscillator charts

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03/10/10 5:05 PM

#43084 RE: chichi2 #34141

"The European Union Trap"
March 10th, 2010

Let’s start with the conclusion to today’s Outside the Box:

"The underlying principle flows from the financial balance approach: the domestic private sector and the government sector cannot both deleverage at the same time unless a trade surplus can be achieved and sustained. Yet the whole world cannot run a trade surplus.

More specific to the current predicament, we remain hard pressed to identify which nations or regions of the remainder of the world are prepared to become consistently larger net importers of Europe’s tradable products. Countries currently running large trade surpluses view these as hard won and well deserved gains. They are unlikely to give up global market shares without a fight, especially since they are running export led growth strategies. Then again, it is also said that necessity is the mother of all invention (and desperation, its father?), so perhaps current account deficit nations will find the product innovations or the labor productivity gains that can lead to growing the market for their tradable products. In the meantime, for the sake of the citizens in the peripheral eurozone nations now facing fiscal retrenchment, pray there is life on Mars that exclusively consumes olives, red wine, and Guinness beer." – Rob Parenteau, CFA

Let me state upfront that this is not the easiest to grasp Outside the Box that I have sent you. But if you can get what Rob is saying, you will understand why the problems facing the world, and especially Europe, are so difficult. Everyone cannot export their way out of this crisis. Someone has to actually run a current account (trade) deficit.

My suggestion is that you read this once through, and then read it again. If you see where Rob is going, it makes it easier to understand the second time. Warning: Rob Parenteau is an Austrian economist. In many circles, what he is saying is controversial, if not at least counter-intuitive. But it makes us think, which is the purpose of Outside the Box. If I get a response that is robust and thoughtful, I will run it in the future. The problem that Rob articulates is the center of the problems we face. There are no good or easy choices, as I have been writing for a log time.

Rob Parenteau, CFA, is the sole proprietor of MacroStrategy Edge and editor of The Richebacher Letter. He also serves as a research assistant to the Levy Institute of Economics. For those interested, you can subscribe to The Richebacher Letter at (yes, more hyper marketing copy, but that is the link if you want his letter.)

John Mauldin
Outside the Box & Thoughts From the Frontline

The complete Article "The EU Trap" by Rob Parenteau, CFA

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03/10/10 5:34 PM

#43086 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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03/10/10 5:37 PM

#43087 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT Both McClellan_Oscillators_had_SmallChanges_at_Close_Today_(Wednesday)_>> thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days (Thursday or Friday). Only exception to this is if we have another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Tomorrow (Thursday).

This is the second day in a Row for this Alert.

No direction is given by these signals. You must discern which direction this might occur.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Also See McClellan 2 Year Oscillator charts

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03/11/10 5:40 PM

#43103 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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03/11/10 5:42 PM

#43104 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT Both McClellan_Oscillators_had_SmallChanges_at_Close_Today_(Thursday)_>> thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days (Friday or Monday). Only exception to this is if we have another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Tomorrow (Friday).

This is the Third day in a Row for this Alert.

No direction is given by these signals. You must discern which direction this might occur.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Also See McClellan 2 Year Oscillator charts

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03/12/10 5:30 PM

#43121 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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03/15/10 6:26 PM

#43147 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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03/16/10 4:24 PM

#43150 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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03/20/10 3:47 PM

#43175 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

both Oscillators at Zero
both Summations at turn, and mid-turn

click on replied to msg
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03/25/10 5:27 PM

#43204 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

both Oscillators below Zero
both Summations at turn, turning down

click on replied to msg
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03/27/10 3:39 PM

#43206 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT Both McClellan_Oscillators_had_SmallChanges_at_Close_Friday_>> thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days (Monday or Tuesday). Only exception to this is if we have another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Tomorrow (Monday).

No direction is given by these signals. You must discern which direction this might occur.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Also See McClellan 2 Year Oscillator charts

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03/31/10 8:52 AM

#43226 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

both Oscillators below Zero
both Summations at turn, turning down

click on replied to msg
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03/31/10 8:55 AM

#43227 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT Both McClellan_Oscillators_had_SmallChanges_at_Close_Tuesday_>> thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days (Today=Wednesday or Thursday). Only exception to this is if we have another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Today (Wednesday).

No direction is given by these signals. You must discern which direction this might occur.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Also See McClellan 2 Year Oscillator charts

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04/06/10 5:14 PM

#43316 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT Both McClellan_Oscillators_had_SmallChanges_at_Close_Today_(Tuesday)_>>_thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days (Tomorrow=Wednesday or Thursday). Only exception to this is if we have another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Tomorrow (Wednesday).

No direction is given by these signals. You must discern which direction this might occur.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Also See McClellan 2 Year Oscillator charts

icon url


04/12/10 8:46 PM

#43370 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT Both McClellan_Oscillators_had_SmallChanges_at_Close_Today_(Monday)_>>_thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days (Tomorrow=Tuesday or Wednesday). Only exception to this is if we have another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Tomorrow (Tuesday).

No direction is given by these signals. You must discern which direction this might occur.

Note Friday's NAMO Alert was superceded by today's Double Alerts.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Also See McClellan 2 Year Oscillator charts

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04/13/10 5:46 PM

#43376 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT Both McClellan_Oscillators_had_SmallChanges_at_Close_Today_(Tuesday)_>>_thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days (Tomorrow=Wednesday or Thursday). Only exception to this is if we have another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Tomorrow (Wedesday).

No direction is given by these signals. You must discern which direction this might occur.

Note Friday's and Monday's Alerts were superceded by today's Double Alerts.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Also See McClellan 2 Year Oscillator charts

icon url


04/15/10 10:23 PM

#43399 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT NAMO McClellan_Oscillator_had_SmallChange_at_Close_Thursday_>>_thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days (Friday or Monday). Only exception to this is if we have another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Friday.

No direction is given by these signals. You must discern which direction this might occur.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Also See McClellan 2 Year Oscillator charts
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04/19/10 6:37 PM

#43458 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg
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04/20/10 6:05 PM

#43467 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on Replied to msg
icon url


04/22/10 7:26 PM

#43486 RE: chichi2 #34141

Multiple Focii on McClellan_Oscillators_&_Summation

DAILY charts (Multiple views)

McClellan Summations (Daily 10 years showing Highs)



McClellan Oscillators (Daily 2 year Highs)


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04/28/10 11:28 PM

#43542 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT NAMO McClellan_Oscillator_had_SmallChange_at_Close_Today_(Wednesday)_>>More_thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days (Thursday or Friday). Only exception to this is if we have another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Tomorrow (Thursday).

No direction is given by these signals. You must discern which direction this might occur.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Also See McClellan 2 Year Oscillator charts
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05/08/10 10:00 AM

#43623 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg

as you might expect, McClellan charts are Not Happy
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05/13/10 4:12 PM

#43666 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg

ck again after 5:30pm today
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05/22/10 11:25 AM

#43756 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg

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05/25/10 4:53 PM

#43795 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

click on replied to msg

Note: at close on May24, Both NAMO and NYMO, the McClellan Oscillators had small changes, (SORRY I MISSED THE CALL) thus we had the action we had today (Tuesday) May25. I am expecting more small change today, thus, we should expect Major Moves in Most Market Indices tomorrow (Wednesday)

click back here after 5:30 today (Tuesday) to see if indeed we had McClellan Oscillator small change today.
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05/25/10 5:02 PM

#43796 RE: chichi2 #34141

Chi2=Both NAMO and NYMO, McClellan Oscillators had smallchgs_Today,May25.. thus expect Major Moves in Most Market Indices tomorrow (Wednesday).

Note: at close on May24, Both NAMO and NYMO, the McClellan Oscillators had small changes, (SORRY I MISSED THE CALL) thus we had the action we had today (Tuesday) May25.

click on replied to msg to see charts

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06/02/10 6:33 PM

#43878 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

McClellan Oscillators are Testing the underside of 200 day Moving Averages, a tough resistance area

see replied to msg
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06/04/10 6:49 AM

#43893 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

Oscillators, Both, broke-out just above Zero Lines,
Summations, Both, in process of Turning Up (bottoming)

click on replied to msg
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06/09/10 9:05 PM

#43954 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

Today was a Successful response to yesterday's (Tuesday, 6/08/10) small change in the McClellan Oscillator NAMO. Sorry i missed the call on close Tuesday (06/08/10).

see replied to msg
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06/10/10 5:23 PM

#43959 RE: chichi2 #34141

Chi2= Today was one heliva_Successful_response to Tuesday's_(6/08/10)_small_change_in_McClellan_Oscillator_NAMO. Sorry i missed the call on close Tuesday (06/08/10).

to see how McClellan charts are reacting click on replied to msg

i suggest you do so after 5pm
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06/12/10 9:31 AM

#43973 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

Oscillators, Both, broke-out above Zero Lines,
Summations, Both, Turning Up (bottoming)

click on replied to msg
icon url


06/14/10 6:17 PM

#44015 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

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06/16/10 6:17 AM

#44026 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of several McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

Notice, Both Oscillators are in Turning Zone; and Both Summations have completed Turned Upward. Oscillators can go higher but some day soon they must turn down.
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06/18/10 6:35 AM

#44043 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT NAMO (the McClellan_Oscillator)_had_SmallChange_at_Close_Thursday_>>_thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days (Today (Friday) or Monday). Only exception to this is if we have another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Today (Friday).

No direction is given by these signals. You must discern which direction this might occur.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Also See McClellan 2 Year Oscillator Weekly charts
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06/18/10 8:40 PM

#44055 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT Both_McClellan_Oscillators, NAMO_&_NYMO,_had_SmallChanges_at_Close_Friday_>_thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days (Monday or Tuesday). Only exception to this is if we have another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Monday.

No direction is given by these signals. You must discern which direction this MajorMove might occur.

(Chi2's guessimate is, it will be to UP side over NEXT Week.)

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Also See McClellan 2 Year Oscillator Weekly charts
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06/28/10 8:26 PM

#44160 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT NYMO (the McClellan_Oscillator)_had_SmallChange_at_Close_Today_(Monday)>>thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days (Tuesday or Wednesday). Only exception to this is if we have another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Tuesday.

No direction is given by these signals. You must discern which direction this might occur.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Also See McClellan 2 Year Oscillator Weekly charts
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07/01/10 6:44 AM

#44169 RE: chichi2 #34141

ALERT NAMO (the McClellan_Oscillator)_had_SmallChange_at_Close_Wednesday>> thus_Expect_MostAll_General_Indices_to_have_MajorMoves_within_Next_2_Trading_Days (Thursday or Friday). Only exception to this is if we have another McClellan Oscillator small change on Close Today (Thursday).

No direction is given by these signals. You must discern which direction this might occur.

See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts

Also See McClellan 2 Year Oscillator Weekly charts
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07/05/10 1:54 PM

#44212 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

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07/06/10 8:47 PM

#44225 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

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07/08/10 8:11 PM

#44241 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

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07/10/10 7:24 PM

#44260 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

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07/12/10 7:59 PM

#44286 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

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07/13/10 5:33 PM

#44290 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

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07/14/10 9:03 PM

#44296 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

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07/17/10 9:27 AM

#44307 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

Both Oscillators have moved from near upper bounds to Zero Line areas.

Note, in particular, Both Summation graph positions.

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07/19/10 8:24 PM

#44334 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

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07/21/10 6:25 AM

#44347 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

On the move again Both of Both,
Oscillators and Summations, NA and NY.

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07/23/10 10:49 PM

#44369 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts - Alert

Alert: Both Oscillators have entered "Turn-Down Zone".

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(entering the Zone means be on your toes, it may come soon)
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07/26/10 6:01 PM

#44415 RE: chichi2 #34141

Alert= McClellan 2 Year Oscillator Weekly charts Now_Far_Into_Turn_Down_Zone.

Both Oscillators are far into "Turn-Down Zone".
(Zone means Price Declines may come soon)

Alert: See McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts
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07/28/10 7:03 PM

#44437 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan 2 Year Oscillator Weekly charts

See Also, McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts
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08/02/10 9:03 PM

#44489 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan 2 Year Oscillator Weekly charts

See Also, McClellan Oscillator and Summation Charts
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08/12/10 9:39 PM

#44593 RE: chichi2 #34141

$NDX (Nasdaq 100) daily & weekly charts


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08/17/10 8:45 PM

#44657 RE: chichi2 #34141

Both McClellan Oscillators have Rebounded to within 3pts of their ZeroLines; Both McClellan Summations are in process of Turning.

Major Questions are:

Will McClellan Oscillators continue Above Zero Lines?

Will McClellan Summations continue Turns toward Upward?

Will this being Expiration Week, "Inhibit" further Upward Excitement?

click on replied to msg to see McClellan charts
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11/02/10 6:40 PM

#45369 RE: chichi2 #34141

McClellan Oscillators (NAMO & NYMO)

(NAMO) Nasdaq McClellan Oscillator

(NAMO) 2 Years Weekly

(NYMO) NYA McClellan Oscillator

(NYMO) 2 Years Weekly

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09/18/13 5:33 PM

#60726 RE: chichi2 #34141

Charts of McClellan Oscillators & McClellan Summation Charts

McClellan Charts are based on Advances and Declines.
These charts are calculated each night, after close, and info is available on or about 5pm.

We track their "Oscillators" (a combining of the Advances and Declines)
and the Oscillator Cumulatives which are called "Summations".
These moves give us intelligence on the Moves of General Indices.

See Chichi2 Charts, they are "Annotated" Below Decision Point charts.

Below are Decision Point -- McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

Below are Chichi2 "Annotated" -- McClellan Oscillators and Summation Charts

McClellan Oscillators 3 month charts

McClellan Summations 8 month charts