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01/16/09 12:31 AM

#46065 RE: jjgarcia #46064

Only ~200,000 copi's sold in the last 2 days ...

And, for the last 6 months, [= ~125 trading days] ,
the average volume is Less than 400,000 copi's per day.
That's only ~50,000,000 copi's sold-off , for the entire
Last 6 months. [And many of those are brand new diluters.]

And, even during that 6 month low-volume sell-off,
the price of common copi's has sunk by ~75%.

But, the current common copi float is way over 130,000,000 ;
What if , half of those longs finally get tired of waiting
for copi to ever make a profit. [By the way, 'revenues' don't
ever count; Only Profits Pay Bills.]

copi's basic data-base-compare software , Has ALWAYS Lost
Money , for the last ~10 years. That's why copi had to
'go public' , and start dumping common 'shares' . [While
the old Insiders kept their 83+% NEVER DILUTABLE PREFERREDS.]

We see No chance that copi will ever get even close to
beating Moore's Law ; which Requires copi to DOUBLE their
Fully Paid-For 'call-counts' , EVERY 18 months , just to
keep 'revenue' from falling.

copi's 'New ex-MicroSoft' over-paid 'execs' Sales Guys
have Not been able to do that , and Never Will. Even
MicroSoft is about to Lay-Off ~10-15% of their workers.
And, the World-Wide recession/depression has just been
'officially' admitted to have started, and is expected to
deepen for more than 1 year, and not 'recover' for 3 years.

Since copi can't get any more loans [below 30+% Interest] ,
AND copi Must 100% pay-off ALL of their Last-Year's Loans ,
[also above 30% Interest] , During THIS Year ; we see no
way out , unless copi fires ALL their new 'execs' + IR Guys ,
and 'Investment Bankers' , [who have not + never will be
'worth-it'] , and the old 'founders' quit taking their
obviously excessive 'salaries'. [Last year, those
excessive 'salaries' were 'deferred' for a while ; but
'repaid' , probably from those short-term 30+% loans.]

It's obvious why copi did Not 'acquire' Anything in 2008 ,
after 6+ months of PR-ing that they might. copi does not even
PR about Any 'acquisitions' anymore [or anything else] ;
AND, copi Quit Even Predicting That It Would EVER become
'cash-flow-neutral'. [Which is meaningless anyway, because
it does Not Pay For ANY Old Or New Debts; and copi Owes
over $600,000 This Year , just for Last Year's Loans.]

Our guess is that copi's lawyers told them to quit pumping
obviously unattainable 'goals' ; at least while they still
have to Report to the SEC. [We expect that game to end this
year. Possibly before the 10-K is overdue. Then, turn pink.]

So , here's the Bottom-Line.

Longs "still holding until the numbers come out in March" ,
should probably be in the very front of the line. [Just
behind those ~Insiders who have often admitted to personally
visiting + phoning + emailing to any of the copi 'execs'.]

Previous 'surveys' of copi iHub 'fans' have 'shown' , [if
anyone believes anonymous surveys] , that those 'best fans'
claim to own more than 50% of all floating copi's. That's
more common copi's than have been sold in the last 6 months.

And, that's why shorters keep watching copi ;
and waiting quietly for the maybe-next copi 10-K ;
or , maybe the last one was the last one.
We don't really know. But a few do , or will , just in time.

extra , Sincerely .

P.S. ; In the last few months , we have noticed that the SEC
is finally starting to chase penny 'execs' , that used to
'File With The SEC' , or soon won't. And, several of them
have the same 'fans' as copi. And, last year, the SEC ended
their 70-year-old "Up-Tick Rule" , that used to slow down
retail shorters + wholesale hedge funds. Now, sequential
down-ticking by all shorters is finally 100% legally easy
again , for All. [Although, it Never really slowed the big
guys, because they just used tiny 'buy-at-the-asks' to
cause Legal 'Up-Ticks' , between their huge 'short-at-bids'.]

Anyway, we see 2 'possibilities' for copi commons in 2009 :

1] copi 'sells-out' to [probably] VeriSign , at a very low
'price' [because vrsn is also 'struggling'] , and copi's
83+% 'Preferreds' get less than 50% of their 'investment'
back ; And , ALL copi common 'share'holder get $zero ;
because the 'rules' are that ALL Preferreds Must Get 100% FIRST.

2 ] copi goes pink [to save money, by quitting SEC Filing] ,
and increases massive dilution , or goes BK.