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01/12/09 11:01 PM

#214 RE: loantech #213

I hope you're right--sometimes if feels like gold and silver will be suppressed forever. Clinton's booming economy was nothing but a gigantic tech/internet bubble--followed by various other booms and busts. Some people think gold is in a bubble and due to pop next even though it got less than half as high as the old 1980 high when factoring inflation into the equation.

The banksters still want folks to view gold as an archaic relic--a dead metal assigned to the dustbin of history. That way they can have total control with the buck--a debt instrument designed to instill fear into us. After all, we gotta come up with a lot of those bucks to pay the IRS gestapo every year.

Yes, SOME day gold will rise. Or not. What if everyone gets chipped up to a grid and money turns to 'credits' that Big Brother Banker can turn on and off at will to control us. They could outlaw gold and forbid it to be used as a medium of exchange. I know I sound paranoid, but things are falling apart fast and a socialist president could expedite a quickening toward massive governmental control. Free speech (hate speech) laws, gun confiscation, increased taxation and fees and cameras...yikes.

I remember once reading an article about a silver stock that David Morgan claimed was rock bottom and 'cheap' at .60 cents. I bought a batch. Kept buying it all the way down to .06. I say this only to illustrate a point: Almost every time I've become absolutely sure of a stock and became a 'true believer,' I've been shellacked. That's why I try to trade these stocks until I see concrete evidence that Obama et al will turn on the inflation spigot. I think that time is coming, but will I bet umpteen thousands that it will happen anytime soon? No.