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01/12/09 5:48 PM

#43509 RE: oilslick #43507

Oilslick - I believe that you are right on. Barring some catastrophe, this is my favorite investment for "growth". Especially with the recent additional and unexpected 'buying opportunity'.

A lot of negativity on the board lately, but NONE of it is backed up with any facts and actually contradicts what we know to be actual with Hemi and what has been PR'd. Many posting info without a very good knowledge of how things actually occur in the industry (with a few exceptions). A lot of assumptions being made and BIG steps being taken to reach "iffy" conclusions. Having said that, if I ever profess to be some 'expert' please slap me down and humble me immediately.

No investment is perfect. I'd like to see more info from the company, but can understand the hesitation. I believe (hope) we will see more transparency in due time, when it will have a larger impact to "the market". Although I can't wait forever, I can be patient a little longer. Let oil return to decent levels and the credit crisis resolve or improve, and this little gem will be better valued and more easily sold.

If not, drill baby drill, crank up production and crank up the pps!