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01/09/09 10:15 AM

#4679 RE: jonesieatl #4678

"...has TIV-sentiment flat-lined here at this multi-year low?"

Sure seems like it with the price at about a buck fifty with investors only looking to buy a few shares (100?) at a time, with no 50K-100K buy orders on Bid. And there are folks buying lots of less than 100 shares. You would think some of the "deep pocket" shareholders, if their pockets are "deep" anymore, would want to load up (average down?) in a big way at this multi-year low price. It would also be a huge "boost" if Officers/Directors and TIV itself would buy a few 100K shares to show confidence in company. Sure don't think any of that is going on that I can see.

I just think the investment community, or "market", has heard enough "glorious" talk over the years with no verifiable proof it is in fact the case. Like the seemingly unequivocal June PR of "2,058 BOED's recorded from 43 wells" with "3,000 BOED's by year end" and in Oct. (most recent production published on the DOG) site, 4 months later, the total monthly company production was a fraction of that (as far as what is published).

I personally think what would really turn this around quickly is either the DOG reporting at least 60,000-90,000 BOED's for an entire month (as the PR's stated it was doing, or going to do, on a per day basis), or a sweeping change out of upper management (CEO and Prez) with experienced reservoir engineers. I think they have an employee who is an educated/trained reservoir engineer but he is not in any managment capacity. I think Kandle is a drilling engineer and the CEO has no formal training in oil and gas, besides years of being the CEO of TIV. Does that count? LOL

Just my thoughts...



01/15/09 11:51 PM

#4702 RE: jonesieatl #4678

Lynn, you have stated in previous pr's that production is ahead of your original projections. Getting close to the 3000 barrel per day in November. Yet DOGGR shows somewhere around 650 barrels per day. Why the large discrepancy between your pr's and the actual production?
Also you have not answered my email to you asking whether or not Pleasant Valley is off confidential status, as you have emailed to me that it would be so before the end of 2008.


Reply from Lynn:

Production CAPACITY is ahead of our original projections. I have stated that additional infrastructure is required to accommodate the capacity and that we are scrambling to put it in place. DOGGR confidential status is removed by the agency. At this time, even if it is removed we are not ready to comment in detail about the wells for competitive reasons.

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 10:07 PM
To: Lynn Blystone
Subject: Production and Status