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01/08/09 4:48 PM

#61177 RE: jcrom56 #61176

Paul danced around the TD Ameritrade issue in one of his personal emails to an Ihub board poster, stating something like he 'thought' "the Ameritrade Deal is well known", when asked where it stood.

That's not really an answer. It does, however, imply that a deal exists. I think that was 2 years ago? Or was it less, I've lost track of time.

Many months later, a statement came out from Spooz management in one form or another that the Ameritrade deal was now something to do with promoting, or advertising, I believe.

Hasn't materialized in any form.

Many rumors were floated about that Ameritrade of all things had actually requested Spooz to write to their API. Why in the world they would do that, who knows.

Anyway, none of the above claims happened. The company certainly implied that deals were done or pending.

Depends where you want to draw the line.

In any case, nothing ever happened of merit.