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01/08/09 4:24 PM

#81921 RE: roni #81920

I wonder if they're planning on overhauling the entire desktop lineup in one shot?

In addition to the mini and the iMac, the Mac Pros haven't been updated in a long time this point, it would make sense to me to do a Special Stevenote just for desktops.

Instead of 2 mini models like they have now, I'd love to see the mini drop to a single $499 build--and the addition of:

"The Mac" at $999

(basically a Cube-sized mini...the theoretical "minitower" so many of us have been clamoring for)

The name would make sense, too:

The Mac Mini
The Mac
The iMac
The Mac Pro


01/09/09 2:01 PM

#81948 RE: roni #81920

Perhaps there will be a special event late this month to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Mac.

They did have a 20th anniversary Mac model in 1997 (20th anniversary of Apple Computer).

In 2002 (or 2004), I recall Steve Jobs noting in a MacWorld keynote that the 25th anniversary of Apple (or the 20th of the Mac) was coming up and perhaps they should do something to celebrate that. He even showed a slide with a photo of him and Woz way back when (must have been the 25th anniversary of Apple).

They never did anything to celebrate that anniversary though.

Perhaps they will later this month for the Mac.

they have the opportunity to do something, let's see if they do it this month.