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01/11/09 6:38 PM

#9 RE: boo boo #8

So by going to a seminar, you were able to judge the entire education? the people who invest $24,000 in their top program are getting ripped off? How is it, then, that Investools has been in business for 26 years, and is now being bought out for $606 million?

Hint: Brokerages make their money when people place trades. If you can teach people to be successful with trading stocks and options, then that person will be a long term customer. The biggest problem firms like E-Trade, TD Ameritrade, Scottrade etc. have is the cost of aquiring a customer. The cost of aquiring a customer isn't the problem (really). It's expending the money to aquire customers that are not likely to be around for long.

TD Ameritrade knows that by choosing the BEST education available, they will be able to retain customers once they get them because they're educated, smart investors that are not likely to close an account because they took it down to zero by making poor decisions.

Think about it.