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01/06/09 9:45 AM

#154068 RE: al44 #154060


All those numbers are just that, numbers. There is NAWTHIN you or I can do about them. I try to be prepared for bad times, but we can NEVER guess exactly when or what will happen. It is like Y2K, many on the list were buying candles and bullets, if you remember right, I was the guy that said it would come and go like any other day, and it did. I think we will feel some pain with this economy, but most of us will come through it OK, not good, just OK.

As far as ETNL, they need to do something to PROVE to me that this is viable, it looks good, sounds good, but nothing YET to hang our hat on. I know this will draw lots of BS from others on this list, but I am conveying ONLY MY OPINION. I have bought more stock in the last week or so, not sure why, but it is cheeeeeeeeeeeep, or so they say. If it goes in the toilet, it will not be cheeeeeeeeeep, it will be lost money, more lost money. We need the PRs and the final paperwork in order for this to even have a chance to move. We have seen the caskets, etc, very nice pictures, but no figures yet. Everyone is LOOKING for miracles in the market, we have all taken a big hit elsewhere and many see this as their salvation, as I say, WE SHALL SEE. Hey a PR, nice, maybe it is starting.