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05/02/02 10:34 AM

#11749 RE: Sentinel #11748

a priori and a posteriori are terms used both in philosophy and law.

a priori is knowledge prior to experience and a posteriori is knowledge based on, or after, experience.

Immanuel Kant had some big theory about real knowledge and contingency knowledge involving these concepts, but I can't remember what it was.

Is A Priori owned by Immanuel Kant Investments? Are they one and the same? Too much coincidence that these somewhat arcane philosophical terms relate to both the investor and the purchaser.


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05/02/02 10:38 AM

#11750 RE: Sentinel #11748

sentinel--care to venture whether there is any connection between "Apriori" and "Immanuel Kant" or is is just another odd coincidence like those of the Kennedy assassination??

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05/02/02 12:34 PM

#11761 RE: Sentinel #11748

Can somebody tell me why Todd is bringing up a latin philosopher.To quote one of our newbies "what does this have to do with EDIG". "Damn it Jim" i'm just a investor.
