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12/29/08 3:41 PM

#179296 RE: Rawnoc #179284

My picks are:

ALIF - ALIF is my favorite stock for 2009. They are growing like a weed and IMO are massively underpriced with current earnings not to mention future earnings. More DD is available in this post:

EGMI - This is a massively underpriced stock that has been rapidly growing for some time. They are currently trading at less than 3 times 2009 diluted EPS guidance. Sooner or later that value will be recognized. More DD is available in this post:

TBT - IMO treasuries are another bubble about to pop. I expect this bubble to pop this year. It could happen as soon as January because any kind of January effect could cause money to rapidly flow out of treasuries and into equities. TBT is a double inverse (short) of the Lehman 20+ year Treasury Index. At present I don't have a position in this ETF but I'm watching it closely for an entry.



12/29/08 10:31 PM

#179313 RE: Rawnoc #179284

1. AVR--One of three major players in the Ethonol industry with price way below book value.

2. EPIX--One of the three major players in the Ethonol industry which has been battered way too much. It's a valuation play.

3. SRS--The commercial real estate mess is no way shape or form getting better. This supercharged ETF should run like the wind.


12/30/08 10:59 AM

#179338 RE: Rawnoc #179284

My second pick is DPDW.

1. Count on Israel to ramp-up ME instability in multi-week campaign.
2. It will be colder than normal in northeast in January.
3. Buying support seems to decent in the 0.11-0.12 range
4. Conference in Australia in early December or negotiations on previously announced $9 million letter of intent just may generate a piece of news in January.
5. Pincher is close to being established.


12/30/08 12:14 PM

#179378 RE: Rawnoc #179284



12/31/08 9:47 AM

#179525 RE: Rawnoc #179284

Three swing entries



12/31/08 10:22 AM

#179527 RE: Rawnoc #179284

I am looking for gold to break out in Jan, so my picks are gold juniors.
SMC: Extremely undervalued gold junior. Could entertain a better take out offer by the end of Jan.
NG: Hope for a take out by the end of Jan. It was offered 16 dollar two years ago when gold was much lower.
AGT: Big sellers are going to dump tens of millions of its stocks. I am hoping the selling will be done by block trades before the end of Jan, hopefully.


12/31/08 1:20 PM

#179564 RE: Rawnoc #179284

Raw here goes.

ALIF.OB- Earned .07 Last quarter, and is growing very fast. Very cheap, and growing fast, with great prospects is where I want to be. Charts look encouraging as well.

AGM- A financial company can earn about .45 to .50 from a core earning perspective pays a nice dividend. Has been under Tax Loss selling Pressure could take off at any time.

HSKA- This one has some issues. But they did earn .011 fully taxed. Might have the ability to put a .02 quarter together. cash is strong on their balance sheet in .103 a share, and book value is $0.85. So it trades waaaaaaaaaaaaaay under book.


12/31/08 1:44 PM

#179568 RE: Rawnoc #179284


My Picks

VIAP - Outstanding only 19.7 million....Insiders and Institutions own over 98% of outstanding....In the last year insiders have bought a lot of stock paying prices up to $4, the last buy was 32.5K at .30 on Dec 5....Two analyst ratings on the stock are buy and strong buy...very undervalued here.

PURO - Company owns water clarification technology...Outstanding of 55.2 million....Company with a very bright future

MRNA - Biotech developing RNA based technologies...This is going to be one of the huge new fields in the future...Outstanding is 31.25 million with insiders and institutions owning close to 30 % of those.....They have 8.7 million in cash....They now have a ceo who was solely responsible for the Merck buyout of RNAI for $1.1 billion last year.....This company has the potential to be huge in the coming years

Thirsty Tiger

01/01/09 7:42 PM

#179622 RE: Rawnoc #179284


GOVX - Should hear something about their phase II trials during Jan. plus GOVX has been under heavy tax loss selling in December

URRE - Uranium junior. Will keep climbing with rest of uranium miners. The new government emphasis on clean energy will help.

FRE - Well, it's Freddie


01/01/09 7:58 PM

#179624 RE: Rawnoc #179284

LPHI........per Rawnoc's DD.

DRYS.....shippers should have a good year!

BTU......coals will come back strong and this is the strongest company!

and I should win! Maybe!


01/02/09 3:45 PM

#179658 RE: Rawnoc #179284

I missed the 31 Dec. 2008 deadline, so only listing for comparison, and these threads ROCK.

DXO, OIL baby. Oil has taken a turn since last summer that few could of predicted. DXO is a Double Bill ETF with a very low trading price, Multiples for Jan and 2009 could be possible. Winter is here, conflict in the middle east which in turn could cause Sabre rattling all over the globe(Iran?).

SRS, Double short REIT's. This bubble is about to burst, by the end of Jan. this could be on the move, BUT could be delayed due to Obama and his HOPE package. When the REIT's begin to slide, possible multiple bagger here. Not a stock to Hold, but good to swing, and it's currently cheap due to the Santa Rally.

DRYS, Bulk shippers I think are extremely over-sold, and the biggest reason, DRYS is a HYPE stock that has had big moves. Not really a promoted stock like a penny, but has the eyes of some hedgies or big players to make some BIG $$, trade with the volume.