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12/28/08 8:05 AM

#72361 RE: chunga1 #72312

chunga1 -- how about this one? -- from the 'Latest News' in the Tehran Times:


President congratulates Pope, Catholics on Christmas

Print Date : Saturday, December 27, 2008

TEHRAN (IRNA) -- President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a message congratulated Pope Benedict XVI, leader of Catholics throughout the world and followers of Jesus Christ on Christmas.

The full text of the message is as follows:

“In the Name of God the Compassionate, the Merciful I congratulate Your Excellency and followers of the the prophet on birth anniversary of Jesus Christ, messenger of kindness, peace and friendship, as well as the new Gregorian year.”

“Today humanity is tired of war, bloodshed, tension, discrimination and deception. Current challenges and incidents have distanced humanity from its originality and trapped it in a deceptive mirage, which cannot be solved except by returning to God and further attention to divine messengers’ teachings.

“I hope that human being will be blessed with God’s graces and a world full of beauties will be established.

“Such significant issues will not be possible except through unity among the monotheists and paving the ways for reappearance of Imam Mahdi (May God hasten his reappearance).

“I wish blessings, happiness and health for the Pope and world Christians.”

Copyright © 2008 The Tehran Times Daily Newspaper, Tehran-Iran


meanwhile back in the UK in response to his message there, much as you posted to begin with:

Iranian leader's Christmas message prompts outcry
26 December 2008

my short (. . .) take at

and just for the heck of it, three more from the 'Latest News' in the Tehran Times -- the mix of stuff there struck me as interesting -- I'm guessing you'll love the last one:


Haddadi called up to Grizzlies

Tehran Times Sports Desk
Print Date : Saturday, December 27, 2008

TEHRAN - Hamed Haddadi was recalled by the Memphis Grizzlies from the Dakota Wizards of the NBA Development League on Thursday.

The Iranian center, who averaged 6.0 points, 5.9 rebounds, and 1.55 blocks in 17.7 minutes in 11 games (seven starts) with the Wizards, has been called up to the NBA team, according to Grizzlies General Manager and Vice President of Basketball Operations Chris Wallace.

Memphis assigned the 7 foot 2 inch, 280-pound center to the Wizards on Nov. 24.

Haddadi was signed by Memphis on August 28 but has still not made his NBA debut

Copyright © 2008 The Tehran Times Daily Newspaper, Tehran-Iran


Saudi women learn to live in liberal Europe

Print Date : Saturday, December 27, 2008

At the immigration check at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, Ghadeer Al-Swailim got her first taste of how things are done in the West. As he always does, Al-Swailim’s brother handed the immigration officer his passport as well as his sister’s. The immigration officer initially refused to take the booklets, telling the brother that his sister must hold her own passport when she goes through the immigration and customs process at the airport.

“I felt independent!” said Ghadeer, a 20-year-old Saudi postgraduate student on her way to Maastricht under Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah’s foreign scholarship program.

Holland, one of the most liberal countries in the world, has 138 Saudi students currently on scholarships; 36 of them are women. In 2007 the country was added to the list of authorized Saudi scholarship destinations; students are able to choose from three fields there: Medicine, dentistry and engineering.

Ghadeer’s experience at Schiphol demonstrates how these young women are experiencing a type of social freedom that is different from the one in which they were raised. In interviews with Arab News, four women students described their life away from home and family.

Abeer Al-Nasir, 20, says she enjoys Holland and in particular the tulips and wildflowers that spring up from the ground in so many places in The Netherlands. Like the Dutch in general, riding a bicycle is part of Abeer’s life.

“I am alive, independent and lucky,” she said.

Abeer lives with her family in Holland and studies aviation in a mixed environment that is quite different from her previous studies in the same field in Jordan.

“The interviewers (for the program in Holland) asked me how I could be trusted as a Saudi — especially after Sept. 11 — with an aviation license,” she said. “For almost four hours I tried to convince them that Saudis are peaceful people and coexist with all religions and that our leader King Abdullah is traveling around the world to call for peace.”

Abeer pointed out that some of her colleagues have called Saudis spoiled.

“That’s when I tell them that the government is encouraging all people to study at top universities and even paying the expenses of the students and their families,” she said.

These women have said they learned to adapt to the different cultural environment while still retaining their traditional modes of dress and customs. They live on their own, ride bicycles and do their own paperwork, yet they also continue to wear modest clothes, including colorful head scarves, jeans sometimes.

None of the women interviewed by Arab News said they wore abayas, but they also point out that they ascribe to Islamic values of modesty when interacting with members of the opposite sex.

Fatimah Al-Dawood, 19, a dentistry student at Groningen University, says that she is more comfortable in Holland without the abaya.

“I think the point of the abaya is to not attract attention,” she said. “But putting it on in Holland or any other European country would certainly do that. For this reason I see that wearing a head scarf along with modest clothes are enough in this part of the world.”

Twenty-year-old Kawthar Al-Marhoon, from Qatif, shares an apartment with her women colleagues in Groningen, located in northern Holland. There are 56 Saudi students studying there. She began studying medicine in May after receiving the Saudi study-abroad scholarship.

Kawthar’s brother stayed with her the first three months.

One of the requirements for Saudi women to obtain government study-abroad scholarships is that a legal guardian must accompany them during the entire duration of their studies.

In many cases, however, the guardian will go and then return to Saudi Arabia later. The requirement to send a guardian to accompany an unmarried Saudi woman (which is usually a brother, though mothers are also allowed to be guardians in this case) for the entire study-abroad period places an additional burden on women scholarship-seekers, especially if they are unmarried.

In Kawthar’s case, her brother left and she had to learn to deal with a lot of responsibilities that she used to ascribe to men.

“It wasn’t easy for me to adjust with load of household tasks, such as fixing the Internet in my apartment or going to the electricity company to pay my bill,” said Kawthar, who had never been in any European country before winning her scholarship.

Now Kawthar travels to Amsterdam to process her own immigration documents. In Saudi Arabia, a woman would typically need permission to travel to another city and the presence of her male guardian to engage in bureaucratic procedures.

“I knew before I arrived in Holland it would be different from Saudi Arabia and I feel this every day,” said Kawthar. “I make use of freedom within the framework of my religion and principles because I am an ambassador for my country.”

Kawthar pointed out that during Eid Al-Fitr, her university granted all Muslims three days off to celebrate the occasion.

“Dutch people are open-minded and friendly,” she said. “Their views toward Muslims are varied, but generally they have respect.” In the Kingdom, unrelated men and women are segregated from each other in nearly all aspects of day-to-day life. However, when Saudis study abroad (especially outside of Arab countries) that barrier is removed in most cases.

Fatimah, who is pursuing studies in dentistry, has five men in her class and the instructor is also a man. “In the beginning it was quite embarrassing, but after a while I got used to it,” she said. Fatimah says she doesn’t interact with men outside of the classroom. “Outside class I have made many strong friendships with Dutch families, as well as Arab girls,” she said.

Her relationship with other Saudi colleagues in the class is limited, however, “because we belong to the same traditional backgrounds in which the unrelated men and women are not encouraged to mix.”

For dentistry student Nahlah Abdullah, that meant she had to study both English and Dutch. “Understanding Dutch takes a lot of time,” said the 19-year-old student. Although she has traveled to Austria, Turkey and United Kingdom, Nahlah thinks living away from the family is the most difficult part of the expatriate experience.

One of the biggest cultural variations that faced Nahlah when she arrived in Holland was the eating habits. “Lunch does not exist for most Dutch. Instead, sandwiches are enough,” she said, adding that this has affected her concentration and that she has lost a lot of weight. She thinks that some Saudis prefer to isolate themselves from the Dutch public because their culture is different.


Copyright © 2008 The Tehran Times Daily Newspaper, Tehran-Iran


Situation changing in favor of Iran: Ahmadinejad

Tehran Times Political Desk
Print Date : Saturday, December 27, 2008

TEHRAN – President Mahmud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday that Iran is making progress day by day and the situation is changing in its favor.

“The enemies are surrendering to the Iranian nation…the situation is changing against the enemies’ (interests) and in favor of the Islamic Revolution,” Ahmadinejad told a large gathering of preachers in Feiziyeh School in Qom.

Over the last 30 years since the Islamic Revolution the enemies have been making every effort to undermine the Islamic system but today they have been frustrated over their failure to defeat Iran through sanctions and pressure, said the president.

He asserted that “the Iranian nation is becoming braver and stronger day by day.”

Ahmadinejad said his government has made great achievements over the past three years which he said were the most difficult times in the history of the Islamic Revolution as all world powers officially and clearly teamed up against Iran.

Iran has come under four UN Security Council resolutions for refusing to halt its uranium enrichment program which the West claims is a covert effort to build nuclear weapons. Iran insists that its nuclear program is peaceful and is merely aimed at generating electricity for a growing population.

Ahmadinejad said the bullying powers expected that sanctions would make Iran abandon its rights, “but thanks to the exceptional leadership (of Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei) and the perseverance of the Iranian nation, the situation turned to Iran’s benefit.”

He also said the most important duty of the ruling system is to bring justice to the society and his government is determined to fulfill this responsibility.

Ahmadinejad said his administration has tried to bring justice through “distribution of wealth, and opportunities as well as paying attention to the poor, removing hurdles to progress, and making provincial trips”.

The president said his government has minimized the impact of sanctions on the economy. Despite sanctions and pressure foreign investment is flowing into Iran, he added.

Ahmadinejad said during his term unemployment has fallen from 12.9 percent to less than 10 percent, non-oil exports have increased and imports have dropped dramatically.

The president vowed that 450,000 jobs will be created by the end of the current Iranian year which ends in March 2008.

Copyright © 2008 The Tehran Times Daily Newspaper, Tehran-Iran