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12/25/08 7:46 AM

#2469 RE: Makamai #2468

That is equivocating for the company

Not expecting much in that report. I have stated numerous times don't expect any positive cash flow these boys have spent tens of millions of dollars. What you should expect though is clear public disclosure where all that money went how much MDOR owes and yes even a time when they expect to be in the black given current market conditions at time of writing.

Mak can you show me please where any of this has been done or even genuinely attempted previously? A precedent is being set and yes sir I have every right to be sceptical because I don't like subterfuge and innuendo because that as proved over the past year clearly will not get us where we want to go. What's more so should you be sceptical at the very least wary, because management is not making the effort to keep investors informed on debt owed, or money coming in or even when they anticipate getting out of all this red ink. It's all left up in the air willy nilly do you call that confidence inspiring or even professional?

More over, any value investor needs to see accountability before he/she can decide what sort of leverage exists and how good an investment all this empty hype really presents. Magnum is presently blocking that process WHY? As stated previously MDOR must let the market decide and stop pulling punches on disclosure. They have had over a year to do so now, JV's have come and gone and reappeared, reincarnated.

Don't you agree this is largely to blame why the chronic low volume for months if not years. If not Mak I'll be the first one to suggest, you have a serious blind spot for Glusic and crew and prudently should expect better.

One more time I have no bones about production it's do or die that's a no brainer. I do have great pause though, when it comes to market confidence in MDOR and it has everything to do with to many secrets and not enough transparency. Sorry these careless practices do not exemplify a serious AMEX contender as touted by management, let's get real. They can't even be depended upon to be accountable as to why these machines were three months late. Are we expected to sweep that under the rug too, and pretend it will all go away when full production is achieved?

I for one don't think for a minute that is satisfactory. I strongly suggest to you I am not alone in my view on that, not by a long shot. It's a serious impediment management needs to correct ASAP never mind flipping February to me that's just a cop-out. Let's live in the now so people can get serious on this company, the carrots and empty hype are getting mighty stale.

Merry Christmas Mak!

Best... Rich