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12/23/08 1:39 PM

#137682 RE: Gizmo #137681

US Treasury Bonds is the latest bubble Gizmo IMHO. #board-4256

My W@G is the energy complex bottoms in 1st quarter next year as the rate of decline is currently slowing and it's approaching being oversold as well on the monthly charts.

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12/23/08 1:56 PM

#137683 RE: Gizmo #137681

I actually disagree a bit on that point. There was extremely tight supply that speculators took advantage of using leverage. Once demand fell and leverage dropped, the house of cards fell.

However, there should be no debate as to the tight supply. The first 80-million Barrels are $10/bbl. Each million barrels after that runs about another $20/bbl.
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12/23/08 5:21 PM

#137687 RE: Gizmo #137681

O/T: Hello Gizmo.

If we had put the same commitment into alternative energy that we put into the space program it would have been a done deal long ago.

Why is it that some think that little, if any, effort is being put towards alternative energy? There is plenty of effort being placed towards these programs, has been for decades, and is actually partially funded by the oil companies that some here like to vilify so much (BTW, they are ENERGY companies, not just OIL companies!). The most simple answer of why alternatives are not in wide spread use is that it expensive! Why don't you ask sylvester for a break even cost analysis on that solar power system he had installed. I would bet his break even point could be measured in the decades!

So, IMO, alternative energy is where it is because of one thing, and one thing only: COST! Figure out a way to make it cheap, plentiful, and easy to get to, and you will have a replacement for oil. As of right now, there ain't one!

Oh yea, another thing: Low oil price is a double edge sword. While we have all enjoyed filling our tanks for half of what it did just 6-8 months ago, it is just one more reason to spend LESS on alternative research. Throw in a deep recession, possible cuts in government research grants, and you will see the research grind to a crawl. Think that won't happen? Take a look back at the 70's, with the oil embargo. With high oil prices then, there was a huge interest in alternatives. But as soon as oil came back down, interest waned. I fully expect the same to happen here.

<MFB steps down off his soap box>

Have a Merry Christmas!