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12/19/08 12:39 PM

#244 RE: StormyMonday #243

Thanks Joe. My brother and I bought yesterday. Seperate accounts of course. He and I took back our IRA's after the dumbo We had invested in did not have any of the stop loss sales in effect of which we told him specifically. So after a huge loss in August/Sept We both took over our accounts in early October. I have lost about 39% ytd, down from 57%, just from managing my own accounts, shorting, reading etc etdc etcetc.Bought a ton of City @ 3.16 wheneveryone was panicing. Ironic, not a minute after my City buy went thru the Tim G announcement came out. This market is so volatile you really need to watch your money. I hate that broker I once had and he knows it an d every person i referred knows it. I had a smaller portion at 13 cents PSPM But after reading everything I could find on PSPM over the past 3 weeks and coming to the conclusion that no matter how bad the economy gets, consumers need certain things. they need haircuts, TP and light bulbs amongst many other simple things. The fact PSPM is going to be manufacturing the bulbs in China[inexpensive], the fact the bulbs can make their way to average consumer by the edison screw type bulb, the fact it is a Southern American Company will be huge for Government Bid projects, The fact the bulbs are more efficient and last longer is a no brainer for Corps/business' and lastly, the fact they are represented by the #1 Energy {connected] law firm in US, fact they will be trading off the pinks and onto Amex by late Q-1 or early Q-2. they audit revealsn almost zero debt. Jeez i could just go on and On. One big point with me is that Lee V is not a BS artist, plain speaking [Smart] Souther Guy, who will not allow himself to be smoked by a fast talking Yankee or the likes.

I have told everyone I can about this stock. PSPM has the potential to explode like a Yahoo stock, think back when yahoo was trading at 50 cents in 1996. We will see, but if everything continues in place a 4.00 close late in 09 on the Amex is almost assured in MVHO.

Merry Christmas,
