welcome, hope business is good for you. Its an interesting job. Coming from a business owner in America and private investor.
my disclaimer:
I am a contractor 1099 and have been for many years. I first started to do 1099 work after years of multi tasking both as a operations manager and general manager for both public and non public work. I spent two years being a team leader and trainer. Providing services to agents in the Secret Service several years ago (its old business and non traceable, so forget about it. I could hardly prove it now..lol) (such as life)..anyway, I moved on to other business and today I am in the publishing business. I am a marketing advertising guy..most recently with a breakthru in my work. I am excited about 2009, I have many goals to accomplish and look forward to the coming year with great enthusiasm.
My training and education is unusual, from 1989 I began as an assistant in an art studio. For an internationally acclaimed artist, a recipient of the Whitehouse hispanic heritage awards. Its an on going experience and I am grateful that each year since then I have been able to contribute to the life of the artist and can call him a friend. A true friend. His birthday and that of my oldest son are the same for some god given reason.