I've tried at various times the past two to three weeks to dig up anything that wasn't released by Franklin themselves, to no avail. That's had me a little worried that they're presenting more on this than there is. I do tend to worry about whether or not they are even being taken seriously by the Argentinian government. Is it possible that they moved a staff there and opened an office to grow a business for which they aren't even being considered? With no other means of revenue right now? I want to believe that this isn't what is happening, and it would be nice to have a better idea what's going on. The fact that FMNJ says they have a contract pending doesn't really mean anything, because I can draw up a contract with any of you, not knowing a one of you, and knowing that you probably have no intention to sign anything that I have proposed in the contract, and it would still be the same as the current position with FMNJ and it's Argentian constituents. Now don't get me wrong, I think it's legitimate and that they're doing what they can, but I have to ask myself if they're even being considered given the other companies (large and more easily backed, like Shell) that have an interest in the area. I certainly wish there was some mention of them by someone other than themselves...just my thinking about this that's been rattling around in my head for awhile now...am I delusional, here? Not trying to cast a dark cloud, I hope they're doing everything they say they are, and that good things are on the horizon- for them, and us...