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12/14/08 9:14 PM

#11814 RE: Militia Man #11811

Great thoughts and interesting questions...The way I see things, their dates are off, as usual, but if they 'bring home the ship' all delays will be forgiven... what strikes me the most, thus far is this :

"...Once the value of the Company's 14 (fourteen) Gold Mining Properties, already significantly increased by the steady rise in the price of Gold, to this value, clearly demonstrates and reflects the huge discount to Net Asset Value at which the Company's stock is currently trading in the market. (This could be powerful if timed and done right!)..."

...if you think about it,..precous metals are begining to make a U-turn back upwards and if hunt gold 'confirms' good news, we not only will have a massive infux of hype, MOMO, new investors, but will have the rising prices of gold working in our favor....if mockingbird shows to contain gold, the next thing that will be looked at is simply...'what else does the company have in its portfolio' and in that scenario, we have a FULL ROSTER of mines that have yet to be fully explored ...14 in total makes for a great arguement for future potential and growth...GO HUNT GO...DRILL BABY DRILL!!!

-PD (pris, I have a post limit of 3 so email me if ya wanna chat further anytime...
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12/14/08 10:21 PM

#11840 RE: Militia Man #11811

"JV cannot and will not purchase any shares of your Company's Common Stock in the market, for ethical reasons,"

why do ya think they said this other than some information that will be made public will increase the stock value right????????