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12/11/08 6:32 PM

#27763 RE: dollarsandsense #27762

Scan please!!! Would love to see what one looks like.

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12/11/08 6:35 PM

#27764 RE: dollarsandsense #27762

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12/11/08 7:21 PM

#27785 RE: dollarsandsense #27762

I don't know where to begin or end. But, I'd like to say a few things. You all can suck it up & listen or you can label me as a hot air balloon.

To the longs that have been here for a while. Personally I've been in this from April & to see the growth that has taken place is fantastic. I knew from the start that its a buy & hold long term stock for me. Yes, we all are frustrated because of various reasons, I could list them but you all have an idea what they are. I will tell you that all those frustrations in my honest opinion & my friends I value my own opinion will end up to be smiles & rewards for those who hang tight. Yea yea yea hang tight you all must be saying. Yes, thats right I say hang in there. A week, another week, or a bit more is not a long time to hang. Moskowitz whether you believe it or not is working his tail off to get done whats needed for us to be happy & of course thats the up lifting of the PPS. Its difficult for him to answer straight up what his plan is. But, he has the plan folks & sometimes it takes longer than he anticipated for many reasons that we are not privy to. So, bottom line is we hold our heads up & suck up the days that it will take to bust out the ole bubbly.

For the newbies you got lucky that you found this little gem at these low prices. You want a quick flip, oh you will get that, but if you want more than that quick flip & want to see a real return then you gotta sit tight and hang with us. If not then as always I wish you all the very best. This is a difficult stock to be holding & watching as us longs have been doing for many months, but at the end of this tunnel is gonna be that bright moon IMHO. Some buyers will come in & some will go out which has happened with many who have visited this board because thats the nature of playing the stock market. Newbies if your hanging with us just keep a small bottle of pepto bismol by your side. Us longs already went from the pepto bismol to the Prozac. LOL

Keep in mind Christmas is not till the 25th lets give it the time it needs and perhaps your holiday will be more joyous then you all believe.

Now lets get back to bonding together, the company is for real as you can see from their contracts, etc etc. Once the kinks are taken out we can only go uppppppppppp. My heart is telling me that not before long we will be kicking azz. Mind you I did not say tomorrow, or Monday, or next week, or 6 months. We take it day by day & soon enough BANG.

Now give Soapy a break, he wants as much as all of you do. So far he hasn't been wrong with the end results. Might have taken more time than expected but in the end #1 #2 were filled in. Soapy my friend I am with you............

good luck to all

PS...BTW. those 13g's that have been filed by Mr. Furth & they are called FOD's which is friends of Doug are very very big & meaningful to SPNG and if another one comes out that is even a better addition. So, better for SPNG means better for us. Now on the other side you are saying what about our COO/CFO Steven Moskowitz, oh trust me he is in tune with EVERYTHING and will step to the pitchers mound & take the ball when he is ready. You can take that to the bank. Of course we all hope its sooner than later. :)
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12/11/08 7:59 PM

#27804 RE: dollarsandsense #27762

Happy to know that you finally got your cert Dollar. I know you are frustrated and you don't stand alone. Most of us here probably are too. For the past couple of week I think the hype has made it hard to resist. I guess the best thing to do is not mind the traffic on MB and we will be okay. Hang in there. GLTY and loonggggggggggg