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Rook E

12/09/08 9:58 AM


I hope they live up to their promises. At the same time, the game has changed. In the beginning we were all banking on sales of an outdated product, then we were waiting for the new and improved RadSafe and StealthSensor, and now we have new products added into the mix. I am sure that the game plan changed once the new products were brought on board. I see the addition of new products as a positive thing for more than one reason.
1. It can only add to the revenue the company makes.
2. It shows they are not a one trick pony.
3. It shows that they were not content sitting around waiting for their products to be completed.
4. It shows that the company does plan to move forward and become an industry leader.
5. It shows that they will not wait until a product outdates itself, they will move forward and improve as necessary.