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11/29/08 8:59 AM

#877 RE: rca #808

Rca, about my earlier response…

I’m going to edit what I said in my earlier response to you. If I walk away from IHub, it will be on my own accord and my own terms and not by some bet to prove to people where I know for a fact that ”some” of their intentions are not set in the right heart conditions.

From what I have gone through over the past two days, some publicly and some behind the scenes, they don’t deserve to have any deals to even be made by me. Not so much with you, but with a few others, I must inform them that this is not about me. I am just a shareholder like anyone else… period. So, all questions, topics, or posts referring to me or any other particular person not relating to the company in any official capacity are really off topic.

EXTO and Summit City Grand Resort & Casino Holdings Corporation will sink or swim on its own merit and NOT by what any of us thinks here within IHub or any message board.

If they get some key things such as the land, the architecture and designers, the builders, the funding, the major support, and the gaming license, then the rest should be downhill from there for having this dream come true. I recommend we stay tuned for further announcements to really see how serious they are about completing this project.

I know for a fact that Brian Kistler or any of the Kistlers are “NOT” involved or will ever be involved. Still, I humbly ask that if you or anyone discovers anything to prove the legitimate involvement of any Kistler, please post it. I feel the same as you about how Brian Kistler conducts business.

I have significant due diligence where I know that there will not be any dilution concerns here with EXTO. I’m betting that the share structure will be better than what all are expecting.

To add, from doing my due diligence (DD), I am confident that any involvement that exists here Chris McKenna is not of any concern where we should have any kind of worries. I think Chris got a little excited because he saw a chance to get some positive pub for himself. Read below:

With Chris, the CEO and the President will be fixing this little issue with him in the near future from what I am hearing. I trust my DD and believe in the new CEO and President of Summit City Grand Resort & Casino Holdings Corporation, H.S. (Stan) Liddell and Todd Smith.
