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Replies to #68958 on Biotech Values
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11/24/08 10:33 PM

#68963 RE: DewDiligence #68958

"If morphine and oxycodone are considered wholly non-fungible from a medical standpoint, then KG’s dealmaking indeed makes sense. As you can probably tell, the pain market is one that I do not know especially well."

Many opiate medications are fungible to a degree, and are not apt to be prescribed as a function of how well they protect the practicing physician from malpractice liability, at least IME. Patients don't usually sue doctors because the doctors have prescribed meds that are either addictive or abusable, mostly because the alternatives have already been tried and/or the patients are out to get the very abusable drugs in the first place. They are also almost ALL available in generic form.


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11/24/08 11:01 PM

#68964 RE: DewDiligence #68958

alo talk is hyperbole. oxycontin sells so well because it works really well. Morphine isn't nearly as strong as oxycodone. Further severe patients tend to cycle among many different pain drugs. I think the deal is ok.
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11/27/08 10:21 AM

#69073 RE: DewDiligence #68958

Further comment on embeda the morphine/naltrexone combo. The two leading branded morphines are avinza (king) and Kadian (al pharma). I wonder if the ftc will force kg to divest one or both.