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11/23/08 1:39 AM

#367 RE: extra #365

extra.. that was the sweetest post you have ever sent to me, and i luv you for that!! i dont know you, yet, I have known of you for about, what.. 2 years??

i'm begining to realize that it takes all types to run the stock world. im just someone that is hoping to keep playing with the little i have left and make it grow under my rules and not some pumpers/liars rules.

dont worry too much for my money that i put in here, as it was almost money that i never would have received.

extra, did you hear what i did???? i fought my county, who suddenly decided to take away part timers holiday pay! i asked my part time coworkers to back me up on a grievance that i filed to fight this.. they said they would, then became afraid.. but they cheered me on..

so, I was on my own. my grievance went all the way to the county atty's office, and to the county execs office!

fairfax is one of the biggest richest counties in the u.s. yet tried to say, if i worked 12 hours holiday, that i dont get holiday pay, when my full time coworker does? uh, NOT!

so, my fight won, not just me back pay of about a gross of $450 and future pay for me, but also for other county part time workers that must work the holidays!

no, im not tooting my own horn, but im just saying. someone had to do something. i was so afraid, and this was about the time that my mom was just told that she has cancer again, after like 25 years of beating it the first time.

the hubby agreed to let me put a few of those bucks in stocks since i worked so hard to get it back!! :') i doubled in gglb and part of my cirt doubled too! its not much, but its a start.

i also found out that my fight was not just for those taking 911 calls part time, but it also benefited many other county employees that didnt get holiday pay ever, until now!! so, the county tried to save money by ripping me off, and wow, it cost them way more in return.

i feel kind of bad about that, but then they just cut all the o/t (overtime) for police and firefighters, who worked up there (at my place) taking calls on days off. my hubby (who took calls for o/t pay) is now fighting for other county o/t and i have to work extra days now too, to make ends meet.

so, even you would be proud, that total strangers will get holiday pay if they are forced to work those days, just in time for the holidays!! they have no idea why, but just know, they are getting it.

that makes me soooooooooooo happy.

extra, im being more careful, as careful as i can be. that is why im taking a lot of my time off to try and find what i can that cycles the best for .0001 buys and .0002 sells. thats all. nothing fancy to it.

i cringe if me or someone gets caught up in an r/s, but we know how to watch for that now. we get signs most of the time, when like a gazillion sells at .0001, if so.... get back out while the gettin' is good.. haha.

so, if we can master this ".0001 dance", then putting time into this makes it worth it, just like my battle with the county. I hope we make a ton here! and yes, i know, you short stocks, soooooooooo.. we all win, why?

cause i get in at .0001, get out .0002.. and i assume, you short from .0002 to .0001? i dont know, i still dont get shorting.. but i think its that you bet that a stock will drop and have like 3 or 10 days to get out?

well, what better place than stinky pinkies?? they mostly fall in like 2 hours.

i will do my best not to bet more than 1 buck an hour! :')


11/23/08 1:54 AM

#369 RE: extra #365

hey, whats a quiver by the way??