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11/21/08 3:43 PM

#4580 RE: Ronni #4579

"We are in the final stages of mobilizing..."

I wonder if he even reads this stuff before it goes out. What a joke. Here's another one:

"we are now most fortunate to have an inventory of such steam generators to refabricate to current stringent environmental standards..."

Translation - don't hold your breadth, we've got a while to go before we actually get to the point of admitting we can't produce anything.

Here's the best:

"We have just received some very positive news in regard to the SEC sanctioned updated accounting methods, which we can now use: These updated accounting rules now allow the use of the annual average price of oil and gas rather than merely the year end spot price. Furthermore, Tri-Valley has now proven horizontal drilling, completion and production technology at Pleasant Valley (conventional wisdom said it couldn’t be done) and we are now allowed to calculate reserves based on horizontal criteria rather than being confined to the old vertical criteria. These two updated accounting items alone along with higher 2008 production should enable us to depict a much stronger and more realistic reserve picture."

That last sentence says it all - we can make ourselves look better on paper even though we won't actually be delivering cash to investors. Fundamentals haven't changed but, viola! our balance sheet will look better. Worse yet, Lynn is hyping this fact. God what an awful CEO he is.

Truth is, they're going to run out of runway (read: cash) well before they have to admit they can't produce. All Lynn is doing is trying to hype the stock price so he can sell more (meaning - dilute current shareholders) and stave off the inevitible.

When will the board wake up?

As always, just one man's opinion.


11/21/08 4:07 PM

#4581 RE: Ronni #4579


I guess this means that we shouldn't look for any improvement in "production capacity" (there's that ambiguous phrase again...not just production but production "capacity"..hmmmm) where shareholders SHOULD benefit greatly for awhile..."oil prices will be even sharper and longer lasting than what we recently experienced. By then our production capacity should be up substantially and at record high levels, so that Tri-Valley, its shareholders and drilling partners should benefit greatly."

I thought we were going to "benefit greatly" when all that great stuff (oil prices up sharply) WAS HERE last May/June/July, after 3 years of "paying forward"? Is there MORE paying forward and then HOPE oil prices are up sharply at the exact same time we are maximizing our production capacity (after the cloak of secrecy is lifted??)?

In any case, the shareholder letter gave us a 30 cent boost in price so...yah baby! LOL



11/22/08 10:41 PM

#4583 RE: Ronni #4579

Pretty funny letter , as usual

Tri-Valley is affected (yep, they've been affected for a long long time now)

continue to work daily (well imagine that, thanks guys for not working every other day, or once a month)

to proceed (been proceeding for years .. getting anywhere?)

while coping (awwwww)

remain resolute (puhleeeeeeeeeeze lol)

in the final stages (that's what must worry the biggest longest-term 'true' shareholders)

mobilizing (is that like proceeding?)

newly acquired (has anything much come out of the oldly acquired stuff? I mean, anything like was SAID was coming out, like 2000 boepd? Every day? Who was telling me it was crystal clear that if TIV said 2000 boepd, that meant every day? LOL)

three new horizontal wells (goodie. That must mean the old horiz wells are going gangbusters and turning a profit. Wait ....)

highly oil-saturated (billions of anything? billions of equivalents of anything? saturatedest anyone has ever seen? fired off any core plugs lately? lol)

already on site (that's good, more stuff on site, getting stuff on site has really worked well so far)

presently steaming (6, 7, 8, 9 months of steaming now? how's that working out?)

will soon be moving (very soon?)

nearly double (why not bazillionable? don't stop at a paltry double, at least go for triple)

enables us (Hey , that HAS been a problem, OPUS investors and trust fund investors have been ENABLING TIV for years lol , to burn cash at a high rate)

correct planning (yep, more planning is always needed.)

to refabricate

exploit (I'll bet anyone buying at $14 or $10 or $9 or even $6 is feeling exploited alright lol)

making critical operating improvements (so, just how badly have you been doing things up to now?)

lower our lifting costs

enable us to depict a much stronger and more realistic reserve picture

egregiously wasted (kinda like OPUS's $100 mill? GTG's millions?)

production capacity should be up (wait, you said it WAS up, months ago, 2000 boepd , that's PER DAY)

stay the course (can we have a new catch phrase? like , SELL SOME OIL?)




grow the Company

Depict a picture? Kind of redundant , Lynn. Instead of painting a picture , or any more depicting , how about some serious PUMPING AND SELLING?

pursuing? identifying? arranging? Again ... GROW THE COMPANY sooner or later will require PUMPING AND SELLING ... and doing it profitably.

Seems like Lynn is always rebuilding something or refrabricating something else to "current stringent environmental standards". I thought they already rebuilt all these steam gens , now they say they have an inventory TO refabricate? Sounds like all the retrofitting of the oil rigs they bought high and sold low. Must be fun playing at being in the oil business , maybe that's why Bell left , he signed up for REALLY being in the oil business and got tired of all the playing at it.

I guess those lifting costs must really be high for mention of lowering those lifting costs to be worthy of inclusion in this pum.. , er , I mean letter.

Sounds like more 'soon , very soon' geo lol