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Replies to #10939 on ETERNITY
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11/21/08 9:39 AM

#10942 RE: RandyKCMO #10939

Back the whole evolutionary clock back and start over

Irreducable complexity, another bit of wisdom from professor Michael Behe (Lehigh University) who needs an individual disclaimer about his ideas along with a separate disclaimer from The Department of Biological Sciences. #msg-33327312 His idea ( irreducable complexity) follows the path of an argument from ignorance. "Commonly in an argument from personal incredulity or argument from ignorance, the speaker considers or asserts that something is false, implausible, or not obvious to them personally and attempts to use this gap in knowledge as "evidence" in favor of an alternative view of his or her choice. Examples of these fallacies are often found in statements of opinion which begin: "It is hard to see how...," "I cannot understand how...," or "it is obvious that..." (if "obvious" is being used to introduce a conclusion rather than specific evidence in support of a particular view)."

Perhaps Occam's razor applies "All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best."

Evolve and adapt or die. Quite a simple concept since over 99% of species that ever lived are now extinct. In the past 540 million years ( a short period of time) there have been five major extinction events. Lots of time for second starts when dealing with 4.5 billion years.

Argument from ignorance:

Occam's razor:

Extinction event:

Age of the Earth: