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11/19/08 7:36 PM

#6342 RE: twk000jester #6341

LOL nice picture for a dartboard


11/19/08 7:51 PM

#6345 RE: twk000jester #6341

LaSalle Re Holdings Limited                                        Bermuda 
LaSalle Re Limited Bermuda
LaSalle Re (Services) Limited Bermuda
LaSalle Re Corporate Capital Limited Bermuda
LaSalle Re (Barbados) Ltd. Barbados
Oak Dedicated Limited United Kingdom
Oak Dedicated Two Limited United Kingdom
Oak Dedicated Three Limited United Kingdom

so Lasalle Re Ltd was liquidated but this subsidiary list shows that Oak Dedicated One, Two and Three that are capital vehicles of Syndicate 839 are separate from Lasalle Re Ltd

does this mean that Syndicate 839 still belongs to Trenwick?


11/19/08 8:03 PM

#6347 RE: twk000jester #6341

I still don't understand why they can't just disclose that the common stock will be cancelled worthless and be done with it. Why the installment updates?

They stated that there's no prospect of distribution for the common stock but so far they haven't revealed what the total liquidation value was worth. How can we make a good judgment of what's left of the company?