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Replies to #54 on Steve's Place
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11/18/08 2:07 PM

#55 RE: starboy #54

USD LIVE CHART...seems to be flattening out at(at least temporarily) I'm waiting to see if it can break above 87.75ish or gets resistance there again for the third time. Could still go either way.

The higher the USD goes, the less everything else is worth in relation to it...(including stocks/commodities)

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11/18/08 2:28 PM

#56 RE: starboy #54

RE: Celente predictions....

I've said for several years now that the ultra rich are just begging for a revolution. A violent revolution with their in-your-face arrogant disregard for the rest of us.

I've also said that it will happen if something doesn't change TOUTE SUITE and I think that Obama's election is a sign of those emotions rising to a crescendo.

I think he's the ultra-richs' last chance to back up and make things right within the current structure or a new structure is going to rise up to take its place.

And now with the information/communcation age in full swing, they can't keep us separated from each other and pitted against each other for much longer which is how they always controlled the masses in the past.

I think Celente is absolutely correct, and there's precious little time to change the path we're heading down now.

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11/18/08 2:34 PM

#57 RE: starboy #54

And there's that magic number 2012 again. I'm tellin' ya...this is getting to be more than an extreme coincidence that that year shows up in so many scenarios from such wide ranging sources in both time and space.

I'm not a religious man, but I do know that there are more things in this universe than most are willing to admit.
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11/18/08 2:37 PM

#58 RE: starboy #54

We're less than 200 points from the old closing low in the Dow again.

Judging by the repeated and progressively weaker bounces off that level I have a strong feeling that we're about to see the next leg down. UNLESS....the USD breaks down. That's the only thing I can think of that might turn the market numbers around.

Hang on to your hat bro'