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11/17/08 2:24 PM

#45257 RE: $pyrodog #45255

no idea spy, but good buys imo..:))-- Z


11/17/08 3:55 PM

#45260 RE: $pyrodog #45255

Interesting 10-Q , including lots of insightful info ,,,
that has never been included before. Looks like some of
the old longs , and most of the flippers read it. And, see
the Facts, that revenue is decreasing, costs are increasing,
cash is almost all gone , losses are increasing , and common
share dilution may already be ramping up , as it must, soon.

If the 10-Q is read carefully , it actually/finally reveals
total quarterly 'call-count' , and revenue per call-count ,
[gross to VeriSign + net to copi , before copi costs] ,
And , the FACT that The Retail PRICE of copi's basic
call-screening service Is Still , In FACT Dropping ;
According To Moore's Law , as expected. [Even without a
Worldwide Recession.]

Plus , as predicted , copi IS running out of cash ,
Faster than ever. There is No Way that copi can ever
'acquire' anything , except stuff that loses money
even faster than copi. Otherwise, copi would have to
get another cash loan. Which is unlikely , because the last
loan was 30+% Interest , and must be paid back in Cash ,
IN 2009 ; and, the 'execs' already had to 'pledge' all of
their Preferreds as Collateral ; leaving nothing to back-up
any additional cash loans , to 'acquire' something of any
actual value. Especially anything profitable.

The most insightful Fact in the 10-Q is that even copi
only 'values' their 'patents' at ~$20k. Which means , to us ,
that copi's old-tech patents could be easily surpassed by
just a few average programmers , in just a few months.
And , if it has not happened yet , it surely will ; if , or
whenever it might be profitable. Which It Has Never Been ;
ever since copi began , ~10 years ago.

extra , Sincerely .

P.S. ; We think that , by next month , many longs will be
hoping that copi gets back up to $0.0050 , before it goes
BK ; or gets 'bought out' at such a low price that even the
Preferreds + Converters can't be paid off. And , we all know
that All commons Must get $zero , unless All others get
100% of their Principal Back , + Interest , First. Which is
Not likely. IOO , if copi could even be sold , the Preferreds
would probably not even get 50% of their Principal Back.
And, the most likely buyer, who already runs 95% of copi's
'operations' , is currently trying to cut its own costs.