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11/17/08 11:02 AM

#120475 RE: Rawnoc #120465

Looks to me like it is a education concern more then anything. I'd guess those that have a concern with them don't actually know they can be bypassed. OK Admin roll out sticky 101
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11/17/08 2:11 PM

#120485 RE: Rawnoc #120465


I think is is a good idea.

How about we replace the post # slot with:

Let me know what specific size graphic you'd like to see and I'll resize it up and/or find a better one.

Love the sticky notes. However, most people seem confused by them. Suggestion -- put a little icon next to the "sticky note" post in question that becomes a link if clicked to an explanation of what it is, and says "sticky note" when the mouse passes over it. Just like you do when a post is restored there's a green recycle icon that says "restored post" when the mouse goes over it.