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11/14/08 2:53 PM

#16154 RE: NYBob #16152

lot of information here Bob. thanx.
Hi mick, Let’s Check Marx and Engels’s List
Robert Higgs

Reading the news has been exciting lately.
Hardly a day passes without the announcement of some new
government initiative to save the world.

Bail out the mortgage lenders;

bail out the big insurance company;

bail out the banks;

bail out the money-market funds;

bail out the commercial-paper sellers;

bail out the depositors in belly-up banks;

bail out the automobile companies;

bail out the deadbeats who didn’t make their mortgage
payments when they came due.

When the Treasury bumps up against its borrowing limits,
and interest rates begin to rise on its bonds,
bail it out, too,
by having the Fed flood the world’s credit markets with new
reserves created by nothing more than a snap of
its electronic finger.

Who knows what industry, special-interest group, or noisy
whiners bloc will be bailed out next?

With the Fed standing reading to inflate without limit,
the festivities need never end.

Of course, our rulers assure us that they will defend
the taxpayers’ interest like pit bulls.

Why, just recently, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sent a letter to
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson in which they declared,
“We must safeguard the interest of American taxpayers
[and also, they continued] protect the hundreds of
thousands of automobile workers and retirees,
stop the erosion of our manufacturing base,
and bolster our economy.”

Whew! These dedicated public servants clearly do not intend
to rest until they’ve pretty much cured all the world’s
visible ills, including bad breath and flat feet.

If they fail, in any event, it won’t be because they were too
timid about throwing the taxpayers’ money at the problems.

All of which raises the eternal question, have we become
a communist country yet?

Yes, I know you probably think this question is silly,
but I intend to treat it with the seriousness it deserves
in the light of past, present, and likely future
government actions.

To ensure that I do not adopt an irrelevant or tendentious
set of criteria in my inquiry, I will consider the
question with reference to the list of ten measures
that Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels presented in
the Manifesto of the Communist Party as “pretty generally
applicable” for the establishment of communism
“in the most advanced countries.”

In the following text, I reproduce each of Marx and
Engels’s points verbatim in bold font (from the 1955
edition of Samuel H. Beer), followed by my own
evaluation or commentary.

Amero Coming soon, a must see video!!
check it out..

Secret Plan For IMF World Dictatorship***

Do You Hear the People Sing? - Ron Paul Edition -

"Not armies, not nations, have advanced the race;
but here and there, in the course of ages,
an individual has stood up and cast his shadow
over the world."

Why did 3rd parties get only 1% ? -

Ya think they didn't count em??? I wrote in RON z

Rhino, horatiusatthegate And All You Other Tools And Fools -

Bailout - "The666 Will Kill You ? -

TIA - Pass It Along >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
God Bless America


11/14/08 2:54 PM

#16155 RE: NYBob #16152

this is causing a heated debate. i don't agree on any bailout that congress has approved.

Why, just recently, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sent a letter to
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson in which they declared,
“We must safeguard the interest of American taxpayers
[and also, they continued] protect the hundreds of
thousands of automobile workers and retirees,
stop the erosion of our manufacturing base,
and bolster our economy.”