shepper.....You are right - something really "smells" with this stock and it has nothing to do with the company and their future - rather everything to do with someone/group who has this in a death spirral. I suspect that naked shorting is the culprit and these people should be hung up by their &^%**. Unfortunately this has been a common occurance in the martket place - especially with new penny stocks with some promise as the shorters need to have willing buyers at the other end of ther trade. No matter how good the news, the selling outweighs the buying. The stock is up on the opening with a high of the day in by the first hour of trading and closes on or near the low. This happens too many days and the company and shareholders are taking it in the hinder. I am sick of this crap and, as a shareholder, am going to the company - Rayment - and demand that they report this very suspicious trading activity to the SEC.
With all that out of my system, I really like this stock. I liked it at .034 and am really liking it at .011! I firmly believe that good times are ahead and patience will win out. Just really P.O'ed with those short sellers....Joe