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11/14/08 8:49 AM

#15178 RE: raistthemage #15063

I respectfully disagree.

What mechanism or force of nature would require immediate liquidation? I would prefer Chapter 11 as a means to buy some time, as apposed to just giving away our IP assets to LFB as has been proposed.

If Cox was looking out for the best interest of shareholders and managing risk, then GTCB would have already been placed into extreme survival / hibernation mode.

This would mean curtailing all expenses and nothing would be expempt, everything across the board. Only the most essential critical live support systems to support Atryn would remain active.

This proposal to pledge the companys IP for a 6 month loan is nothing less than an act of prestidigitation.

... dont ask me to pronounce it

If Cox has some greater vision tucked away in the recesses of his mind, then he had better start revealing it. I doubt that he does, otherwise this would have already been communicated outwardly to the shareholders. Or it should have been anyways.

Unless there is complete transparency and an absolutly unequivocally articulated plan on how this loan will will be repaid to avoid the transfer of the IP to LFP, then I am voting "NO" with my shares. I also encourage other shareholders to do the same.

I have not heard anything from GTCB or read anything on this board to convince me otherwise.

Please somebody provide me with a reason to vote "Yes"