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11/09/08 6:23 PM

#150245 RE: rwandrw #150243

"We know as more ...

... Joe the plumbers get this plan the add(sic) dollars will follow, our stock goes up and we can all take a nice long vacation on a off shore Island for the rest of our lives or so (if anything is left after the come new capital gains tax!)"

I think if you change that to read "Yorkville Advisors' stock goes up and we can all take a nice long vacation on a off shore Island for the rest of our lives or so (if anything is left after Yorkville finishes all of their machinations to insure they own 95%+ of the company)" .... it might be closer to what the future most likely holds.

Of course that's not to say there won't be a few overexuberant pops caused by buyers reading some piece of news and not fully understanding who owns the company.

Every now and then penny stock traders do run across a stock in which they can make a lot of money if they get in and out at the right time, but typically those stocks don't have 6 times the Authorized Shares owed (illegally?) to their financiers at current share prices, with the financier's ownership of the 'public'(haha) company growing by hundreds of millions of shares with the SEC filing of the completion of each new tranche.

I'm thinking that the NeoMedia of the present isn't really set up to make a few diehard shareholders (I guess I have to include myself in that number, why sell here?) millionaires. The otcbb isn't set up to do that either. It's just set up to enrich the financiers, the market makers, and the company execs who come and go with their exit packages and, as exemplified by the likes of a Chas Fritz, hyping owners who dump all their shares for millions of dollars at the right time while pleading mansion-building expenses to those who will listen, even though they created nothing anywhere near worth the money they gave themselves.

As always, just one man's opinion. Good luck to us all, I suppose a miracle could occur. ;)
